SAS clinical training# Biology - 生物学
Dear friends,
I am asking for the number of pages for recommendation letters for GC
application. My lawyer (one on Mitbbs) told me that each letter should be
around two pages and no more than three pages. However, I asked some of my
friends who did before on this issue. They told me that they wrote much more
than three pages when they applied for GC before. One of my friends even
told me that he wrote about 12 pages for one recommendation letter and
averge 8 pages for other recommenders. He also told me that the sample
letters he received from his lawyer all exceed three pages.
So I am confused now. Why the information from two sources are so different?
Is my lawyer right on the issue of the number of pages for recommendation
letters? If I submit the recommendation letter with too few pages (compared
to what my friends did before), will it hurt my application?
I am concerned on this issue. Please give me a help. Thank you very much!
The next SAS clinical training session from ProClinPharm will start from May
This customized two-month on-line SAS training (through webinar), is
delicately designed for anyone who has strong desire to work for major
Pharmaceutical companies in US as a qualified SAS programmer/statistician.
The training is focused on clinical knowledge, including CDISC standards (
SDTM, ADaM) and Pinnacle 21 (previously OPEN CDISC), and SAS techniques, e.g
. basic data steps, Proc SQL, and Macros used in pharmaceutical industry,
towards creation of CDISC-compliant domains and datasets, in addition to
tables, listings and graphs. Anyone with science background (statistics,
chemistry, physics, biology, math, etc.) and has strong desire to be a SAS
expert is welcome to attend! No SAS background is required.
For more info, please send your message to [email protected]/* */
12 page recommendation letter? that is crazy


【在 z*****8 的大作中提到】
: Dear friends,
: I am asking for the number of pages for recommendation letters for GC
: application. My lawyer (one on Mitbbs) told me that each letter should be
: around two pages and no more than three pages. However, I asked some of my
: friends who did before on this issue. They told me that they wrote much more
: than three pages when they applied for GC before. One of my friends even
: told me that he wrote about 12 pages for one recommendation letter and
: averge 8 pages for other recommenders. He also told me that the sample
: letters he received from his lawyer all exceed three pages.
: So I am confused now. Why the information from two sources are so different?

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