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ding. 我不反对把"boycott Disney" 当近期目标。 但是当务之急是 create a
social network that connect and synchronize. Come here and sign up for
social media liaison or community liaison or cultural liaison or anything
you have interest/expertise in; and recruit 5 people to sign up; ask that 5
people to recruit 5 more people to sign up:
Once we have a social network of 300 dedicated people. Say we need to
boycott Disney or a ABC sponsor company. Should we scatter our complaints
or concentrate our complaints on 1 company for any length of time until they
give up?
1 complaint/day * 365 days << 365 complaints/day*1 day
The latter gets a lot more attention. Because people always extrapolate
and when they see 365 complaints in a single day, they extrapolate into the
future and decided to not to fight you any more.
In other words: connect and synchronize. Please recruit 5 people, and ask
each of these 5 people to recruit 5 people, so on and on.
Once we have 300 people, we decide on a single day and target a company with
our complaints. This is our first exercise as an assertive social network.
Also, we should prefer constructive effort over destructive effort. I'd
rather help publicize a Chinese comedian like Joe Wong than trying to
boycotting Disney, in normal circumstances. It's better to make friends
than make enemies, in normal circumstances. 有破更要有立。
But our network would be reusable and renewable.
social network that connect and synchronize. Come here and sign up for
social media liaison or community liaison or cultural liaison or anything
you have interest/expertise in; and recruit 5 people to sign up; ask that 5
people to recruit 5 more people to sign up:
Once we have a social network of 300 dedicated people. Say we need to
boycott Disney or a ABC sponsor company. Should we scatter our complaints
or concentrate our complaints on 1 company for any length of time until they
give up?
1 complaint/day * 365 days << 365 complaints/day*1 day
The latter gets a lot more attention. Because people always extrapolate
and when they see 365 complaints in a single day, they extrapolate into the
future and decided to not to fight you any more.
In other words: connect and synchronize. Please recruit 5 people, and ask
each of these 5 people to recruit 5 people, so on and on.
Once we have 300 people, we decide on a single day and target a company with
our complaints. This is our first exercise as an assertive social network.
Also, we should prefer constructive effort over destructive effort. I'd
rather help publicize a Chinese comedian like Joe Wong than trying to
boycotting Disney, in normal circumstances. It's better to make friends
than make enemies, in normal circumstances. 有破更要有立。
But our network would be reusable and renewable.
习近平、央视春晚向台湾地震受灾同胞表达慰问zt (转载)墨尔本市中心奇特交规武统台湾,罗少将喝高了?日本在用女性的胸部做慈善回国出售,低价转卖爱车,教材,电脑,电暖气,书桌,椅子,书架,电钢琴,打印机越南竟然也开始冒泡了,美国这离间计用的不错啊屁股决定脑袋:人民币应该跟日元贬值40% (转载)那些自愿当慰安妇的那群女人甩卖!超便宜(什么都有:家具,电器,食品..)快进来吧!提名华裔法官陈卓光Denny Chin继任最高法院法官!荷兰人向中国人泼奶粉!值得赞扬!是该感谢你呢还是感谢你呢中美都看戏的话,朝鲜和棒子谁能统一半岛呢说说华人在美国应该走怎样的路 (转载)欢迎加入 北美华人非五毛群 31519006文明社会岂容“挟尸要价”人口,千万别等青黄不接时再后悔必须立刻马上紧急对朝鲜进行轰炸习近平新军改为何用火箭军取代“二炮”?老美男票被中国聚会惊呆了!!!