[转载] 旧作八(关于音乐)只有在春天出现的切分音---布拉姆斯钢琴五重奏第三乐章 zoë (Zhuan)How they spend their lives最后的二重奏---萧邦的大提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲慢板乐章(zhuan)Philip Glass on the webA question: why it is the same?用音乐为生命取暖--记我永远的爱乐情缘Re: [转载] classic fan come here. zhuanRe: Bela Bartok没有名字的玫瑰花---德伏札克第八号交响曲第三乐章(zhuan)Re: Why music shows up in all culture?Re: 请问歌剧译名最贵古琴是假货?Janacek 's music on lineRe: I don't like Tchaikovskywebsite related to classical musicTo my crazy friends who love musicTrust your earRe: 推荐一下我自己。-- 还是这好吧Re: How about Shostakovich's Preludes And Fugues