为了让组 委会更好地 参考大家的建 议,同 时为了便于管理及搜索,现将几天 来大
家对426游行的建议和想法合成一 贴。大家如有 新的建 议 不用另开新 贴,请直接
跟贴到这里,我会随 时更新到第一页。
By Southpark
做了一些homework,本来觉得pasadena old town 和santa monica 3rd street
romenade, 因为这两个地方1,来往的行人比较多,2,基本都属于步行街,别于跟人
block traffic的事情,4,趴车相对方便。
我跟Santa Monica sheriff和city hall联系了,据最新的消息,如果我们打算在santa
monica 3rd street romenade,在不搭台,不设麦克风的情况下,不需要permit,因
为那本来就是步行街。原话是:“if you guys walk and speak, you dont need
permit.”我问我们可能会用喇叭等发声器,回答是可以。我告 诉 了市政府我们打
但是教堂山规定的最低分都非常高: High scores on all three parts of the General Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examination are also recommended: a minimum of 80th percentile on the verbal section, 90th percentile on the quantitative section, and 90th percentile on the analytical section or a minimum of 5 on the analytical writing section. In recent years, most entering students have averaged in the 90th percentile or higher on each of the three sections. Allowances are made in interpreting the verbal test scores of applicants whose native language is not English.