[合集] EB1A DIY TSC 追加PP, RFE from xm1136
[合集] EB1A DIY TSC 追加PP, RFE from xm1136# Immigration - 落地生根
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 16:15:58 2012, 美东) 提到:
rfe on Day 15
paper: 26 (all english, 10 first-author, if: 0.5-6, 一半以上>4)
citation by submission (ISI): total 303, independent: 299
review 30 times for 25 paper for 12 journals (0.2-6)
次VerticalNews,一篇hottest 25和一篇cover paper都没提。
5 independent support letter, 2 from us, 1 from china, france, greece.
老三样,contribution has not been met, 具体如下:
The letters submitted attest to the appreciation for the beneficiary’s work
in the field, describe the significance of the discoveries as ‘novel’,
that it ‘adds to our knowledge’, that is it ‘extremely important’, etc.
While the beneficiary’s research is no doubt of value, it does not follow
that every researcher who performs original research that adds to the pool
of knowledge has inherently made a contribution of major significance to the
field as a whole. Research inherently must be shown to be original and
present some benefit if it is to receive funding and attention from the
scientific community. The letters do not appear to describe specific
examples, accomplished by corroborative evidence, of how the beneficiary’s
work has been used and implemented in the field on a widespread scale,
successfully patented and commercialized for widespread use in the field, or
other such evidence of work that is not only original, but a contribution
major significance to the field as a whole.
The record describes the beneficiary’s work as being discussed/used by
other researchers, received coverage on the internet, etc. as evidence of
major contribution to the field as a whole. The publishing and presenting of
one’s work for review and testing by the scientific community is expected
of scientists and researchers. The fact that the beneficiary;s work has been
cited or used by other researchers does not necessarily establish the work
as a major contribution to the field as a whole. And online publications
such as VerticleNews, ScienceDaily or EurekaAlert, often rely on self-
submissions, and are literally updated daily. The record does not
demonstrate that every article or publication that appears on one of these
websites is indicative of contribution to the field of major significance.
The record also contains a significant amount of documentation generated by
the beneficiary himself attempting to demonstrate that his citation record
exceeds that average publication rates for various topics, years, that it
has been published in prominent journals, etc. and that this publication
record is evidence of contributions of major significance the field as a
whole. While it appears that the beneficiary’s published works has been
moderately cited and have received positive attentions from the field, the
record must demonstrate that the beneficiary has made contributions to the
field of major significance, not that he has exceeded the average citation
rate for the various topics, journals, etc. As well, several of the authors
of the letters of support appear to have published recent works, as well as
overall publication records, that significantly exceed that citation record
of the beneficiary. Such works would appear to be more indicative of
contributions of significance to the field as a whole than the published
works of the beneficiary. Work that is considered contributions of major
significance to the field as a whole should be able to be demonstrated by
ample, unsolicited, objective evidence of such contribution. Also, some of
the authors of the letters of support explain that their opinion has been
provide after a review of the beneficiary’s resume, papers, etc. It seems
reasonable to conclude that work that is considered contribution of major
significance to the field as a whole would already be familiar to experts in
the field, without the need for a review of the beneficiary’s resume,
papers, etc.
1. it does not follow that every researcher who performs original research
that adds to the pool of knowledge has inherently made a contribution of
major significance to the field as a whole....
The letters do not appear to describe specific examples, accomplished by
corroborative evidence, of how the beneficiary’s work has been used and
implemented in the field on a widespread scale, successfully patented and
commercialized for widespread use in the field, or other such evidence of
work that is not only original, but a contribution major significance to the
field as a whole.推荐信自己写的,每一封推荐信都是针对一篇文章写的。也提到了
2.The publishing and presenting of one’s work for review and testing by the
scientific community is expected of scientists and researchers. The fact
that the beneficiary;s work has been cited or used by other researchers does
not necessarily establish the work as a major contribution to the field as
a whole. And online publications such as VerticleNews, ScienceDaily or
EurekaAlert, often rely on self-submissions, and are literally updated daily
. The record does not demonstrate that every article or publication that
appears on one of these websites is indicative of contribution to the field
of major significance.这个怎么弄,证明被讨论或者被报道的是top percent?
3.While it appears that the beneficiary’s published works has been
moderately cited and have received positive attentions from the field, the
record must demonstrate that the beneficiary has made contributions to the
field of major significance, not that he has exceeded the average citation
rate for the various topics, journals, etc. 我用了same topic搜索,证明我的引
用都是No 1 or 2,说我的是average的2-5倍,也算了我的paper在当年chemistry
4.As well, several of the authors of the letters of support appear to have
published recent works, as well as overall publication records, that
significantly exceed that citation record of the beneficiary.这个我看以前有
5.some of the authors of the letters of support explain that their opinion
has been provide after a review of the beneficiary’s resume, papers, etc.
It seems reasonable to conclude that work that is considered contribution of
major significance to the field as a whole would already be familiar to
experts in the field, without the need for a review of the beneficiary’s
resume, papers, etc.这是io的新视角么?不过说的有道理,我该怎么回复么?所有推
gsycl (十分) 于 (Fri Jun 15 16:52:22 2012, 美东) 提到:
关于第5点,你可以在推荐信里加句,因为你做的优秀,所以推荐人keep track of
your recent publications, 那么最好的keep track的方法就是read your updated cv
on the web site

gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 16:56:27 2012, 美东) 提到:
good point, thanks a lot!
elsevier (夏花) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:06:58 2012, 美东) 提到:
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:08:31 2012, 美东) 提到:
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:09:21 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:14:03 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:16:04 2012, 美东) 提到:
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:19:32 2012, 美东) 提到:
The record also contains a significant amount of documentation generated by
the beneficiary himself attempting to demonstrate that his citation record
exceeds that average publication rates for various topics, years, that it
has been published in prominent journals, etc. and that this publication
record is evidence of contributions of major significance the field as a
你除了手动计算自己的引用ranking,有没有和ISI ESI(Essential Science
你说你的paper在当年chemistry paper里的percentile是2%-7%,这也是你自己算的?
ISI-ESI只有1% 和10%的引用率啊!
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:21:34 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:23:01 2012, 美东) 提到:
of science把全年的chemistry paper按citation排列,然后算我的排名。应该是没有
gsycl (十分) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:24:12 2012, 美东) 提到:
这点很重要,挑选标准可以证明他们不是随随便便一片文章就能上的,他们只选top x%
的, 你的选上了所以你优秀。尽量查查有没有其他文献介绍了verticalnews的标准.
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:24:39 2012, 美东) 提到:
gsycl (十分) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:26:11 2012, 美东) 提到:
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:27:47 2012, 美东) 提到:
另外,你找的推荐人是否太牛了,找几个AP吧。看IO给你的建议:As well, several of
the authors ...have published recent works, as well as overall publication
records, that significantly exceed that citation record of the beneficiary.
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:30:29 2012, 美东) 提到:
对于第5条,“Also, some of the authors of the letters of support explain
that their opinion has been provide after a review of the beneficiary’s
resume, papers, etc. ”
Although I have never met Dr. XXX personally, his outstanding researches on
molecular mechanisms of XXX have drawn my attention for a long time
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:31:47 2012, 美东) 提到:
junegt (六月的寄托) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:34:34 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 17:58:00 2012, 美东) 提到:
flytome (JasmineTea) 于 (Fri Jun 15 20:51:43 2012, 美东) 提到:
Another RFE by 1136!
You have such a strong case.
huntrui (黄昏) 于 (Fri Jun 15 21:03:45 2012, 美东) 提到:
ychen44 (ychen) 于 (Fri Jun 15 21:10:28 2012, 美东) 提到:
Big blessings!
Lallene (CCC) 于 (Fri Jun 15 23:57:18 2012, 美东) 提到:
Freezesun200 (Freezesun2009) 于 (Sat Jun 16 02:23:46 2012, 美东) 提到:
rfe on Day 15
paper: 26 (all english, 10 first-author, if: 0.5-6, 一半以上>4)
citation by submission (ISI): total 303, independent: 299
review 30 times for 25 paper for 12 journals (0.2-6)
次VerticalNews,一篇hottest 25和一篇cover paper都没提。
5 independent support letter, 2 from us, 1 from china, france, greece.
重点研究一下。不过能列这么多细节,说明这个官真的很狠。 我可能也会遭到类似RFE
老三样,contribution has not been met, 具体如下:
The letters submitted attest to the appreciation for the beneficiary’s work
in the field, describe the significance of the discoveries as ‘novel’,
that it ‘adds to our knowledge’, that is it ‘extremely important’, etc.
提交信中证实 受益者的工作受到赞成,认可和喜欢,描述了发现的重要性用“新颖”
While the beneficiary’s research is no doubt of value, it does not follow
that every researcher who performs original research that adds to the pool
of knowledge has inherently made a contribution of major significance to the
field as a whole. Research inherently must be shown to be original and
present some benefit if it is to receive funding and attention from the
scientific community.
签证官不厌其烦的强调: 研究有价值,有原创性,有好处是共性,是干这一行的内在基
本要求。但这些不一定能说明很重要:major significance. 上面那些描述的词证明前
The letters do not appear to describe specific
examples, accomplished by corroborative evidence, of how the beneficiary’s
work has been used and implemented in the field on a widespread scale,
successfully patented and commercialized for widespread use in the field, or
other such evidence of work that is not only original, but a contribution
major significance to the field as a whole.
这是最最重要的部分了。 这直接告诉了我们:“我就想这3类材料,只有这些材料才能
证明major significance. ” 只说original, benifiting, new knowledge不够,要有
具体3类材料: (1) 被他人广泛使用或实施; (2)为广泛应用成功专利和商业化;
(3) 其他同等效力证据。
The record describes the beneficiary’s work as being discussed/used by
other researchers, received coverage on the internet, etc. as evidence of
major contribution to the field as a whole. The publishing and presenting of
one’s work for review and testing by the scientific community is expected
of scientists and researchers. The fact that the beneficiary;s work has been
cited or used by other researchers does not necessarily establish the work
as a major contribution to the field as a whole.
签证官又来了,他在重复类似的话: 工作被别人讨论,网络报道,都是研究的“内在”
特性。换句话说:那些网络就是要报道大家工作的, 报道了本身不能说明major
significance. 这些逻辑思维我个人觉得很正常,他们对这些网站根本不了解的。 那
And online publications
such as VerticleNews, ScienceDaily or EurekaAlert, often rely on self-
submissions, and are literally updated daily. The record does not
demonstrate that every article or publication that appears on one of these
websites is indicative of contribution to the field of major significance.
The record also contains a significant amount of documentation generated by
the beneficiary himself attempting to demonstrate that his citation record
exceeds that average publication rates for various topics, years, that it
has been published in prominent journals, etc. and that this publication
record is evidence of contributions of major significance the field as a
whole. While it appears that the beneficiary’s published works has been
moderately cited and have received positive attentions from the field, the
record must demonstrate that the beneficiary has made contributions to the
field of major significance, not that he has exceeded the average citation
rate for the various topics, journals, etc.
As well, several of the authors
of the letters of support appear to have published recent works, as well as
overall publication records, that significantly exceed that citation record
of the beneficiary. Such works would appear to be more indicative of
contributions of significance to the field as a whole than the published
works of the beneficiary.
这个说的很明确:出版物方面的数据不能证明major significance. 这个可能受到网上
流行的和average比较启发而做的。 但是个人觉得要特别小心。比如说,高4倍,就是
extraordinary或major significance吗?其实个人觉得很难直接挂钩。也就容易被来
Work that is considered contributions of major
significance to the field as a whole should be able to be demonstrated by
ample, unsolicited, objective evidence of such contribution.
又一个最最重要的部分了。这也是总结陈词。 他就是要:大量的、不是主动寻求的、
客观的证明major significance的证据。大量就是上面的广泛,签证官总会给自己预留
Also, some of
the authors of the letters of support explain that their opinion has been
provide after a review of the beneficiary’s resume, papers, etc. It seems
reasonable to conclude that work that is considered contribution of major
significance to the field as a whole would already be familiar to experts in
the field, without the need for a review of the beneficiary’s resume,
papers, etc.
1. it does not follow that every researcher who performs original research
that adds to the pool of knowledge has inherently made a contribution of
major significance to the field as a whole....
The letters do not appear to describe specific examples, accomplished by
corroborative evidence, of how the beneficiary’s work has been used and
implemented in the field on a widespread scale, successfully patented and
commercialized for widespread use in the field, or other such evidence of
work that is not only original, but a contribution major significance to the
field as a whole.推荐信自己写的,每一封推荐信都是针对一篇文章写的。也提到了
2.The publishing and presenting of one’s work for review and testing by the
scientific community is expected of scientists and researchers. The fact
that the beneficiary;s work has been cited or used by other researchers does
not necessarily establish the work as a major contribution to the field as
a whole. And online publications such as VerticleNews, ScienceDaily or
EurekaAlert, often rely on self-submissions, and are literally updated daily
. The record does not demonstrate that every article or publication that
appears on one of these websites is indicative of contribution to the field
of major significance.这个怎么弄,证明被讨论或者被报道的是top percent?
看他们选的标准。请他们 写信证明。
3.While it appears that the beneficiary’s published works has been
moderately cited and have received positive attentions from the field, the
record must demonstrate that the beneficiary has made contributions to the
field of major significance, not that he has exceeded the average citation
rate for the various topics, journals, etc. 我用了same topic搜索,证明我的引
用都是No 1 or 2,说我的是average的2-5倍,也算了我的paper在当年chemistry
4.As well, several of the authors of the letters of support appear to have
published recent works, as well as overall publication records, that
significantly exceed that citation record of the beneficiary.这个我看以前有
这个只当没看到。反驳的作用不大。大家明白的事: 他们几十年的教授,怎么比啊?精
5.some of the authors of the letters of support explain that their opinion
has been provide after a review of the beneficiary’s resume, papers, etc.
It seems reasonable to conclude that work that is considered contribution of
major significance to the field as a whole would already be familiar to
experts in the field, without the need for a review of the beneficiary’s
resume, papers, etc.这是io的新视角么?不过说的有道理,我该怎么回复么?所有推
ratluos (小老鼠) 于 (Sat Jun 16 02:44:51 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sat Jun 16 13:14:01 2012, 美东) 提到:
pat, let us beat this io to death!
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sat Jun 16 13:16:36 2012, 美东) 提到:
非常感谢你的分析,这个rfe的核心就是of major significance,想听听大家都有什么
Freezesun200 (Freezesun2009) 于 (Sat Jun 16 14:44:20 2012, 美东) 提到:
convince他major significance是千真万确的, 我们是名副其实的真材料。
所以我觉得一个概念要不停的在大脑里闪:说服签证官。 这要思考一下他们的心理。
现在我们假设我们自己是签证官。 我们去判案,我们判案的依据是什么?我们有责任
告诉公众我们判案的依据,然后我们根据强有力的依据做出无偏见的决定。 我觉得这
一一认真地呈示证明major significance的材料 :
1. Ample
(a) used or implemented by others.
(b) patented or commercialized
(c) other evidence
2. unsolicited
(a) ...
(b) ...
(c) ...
3. objective
给什么,最to the point.
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sat Jun 16 15:12:40 2012, 美东) 提到:
Freezesun200 (Freezesun2009) 于 (Sat Jun 16 16:46:10 2012, 美东) 提到:
人响应(除了大蜜外)。就是到底什么样的证据证明什么样的contribution of major
* 比如说,一半以上,IF>4. 如果这些杂志在某领域能排名靠前,我觉得就可以说:有
*您的citation统计数据肯定能找出很多Ample, or widely blah blah.
*hottest 25 and cover paper 都是强的objective documentary evidence
paper: 26 (all english, 10 first-author, if: 0.5-6, 一半以上>4)
citation by submission (ISI): total 303, independent: 299
review 30 times for 25 paper for 12 journals (0.2-6)
次VerticalNews,一篇hottest 25和一篇cover paper都没提。
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sat Jun 16 23:02:14 2012, 美东) 提到:
嗯,你说的有道理,其实io也承认了我的文章是发在prominent journals,但是他还是
认为这个不足以证明contribution of major significance。
Freezesun200 (Freezesun2009) 于 (Sat Jun 16 23:40:44 2012, 美东) 提到:
要证明major significance:
(1) 找杂志录文标准,只要有Significant, breakthrough,important advance,
invoking wide interest in wide fields等词就行;otherwise
(2) 找杂志负责人写个证明信,把这些词写进去,就可以了。
KFN (小胖猪) 于 (Sun Jun 17 00:28:27 2012, 美东) 提到:
bigbigbee (大蜜蜂: 心诚则灵) 于 (Sun Jun 17 01:27:06 2012, 美东) 提到:
You will pass in the end but by now you have to dedicate on another
presentation in the coming month. Do not hurry up on submitting the response
. Mainly your RLs have been a weak point so that IO picks on you and
challenged your other evidence. When you response, do not mention anything
weak , e.g. they know u only by looking at your resume. No, never ever made
such kind of statement. The Rl should state that you have been international
recognized sustainably , ru lei guan er!
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sun Jun 17 10:04:54 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sun Jun 17 10:11:16 2012, 美东) 提到:
alsin (as) 于 (Sun Jun 17 11:35:41 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sun Jun 17 12:13:57 2012, 美东) 提到:
steventian (pauline) 于 (Sun Jun 17 12:14:05 2012, 美东) 提到:
Big Bless
kayabao (baobao) 于 (Sun Jun 17 17:07:56 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Sun Jun 17 22:27:42 2012, 美东) 提到:
Freezesun200 (Freezesun2009) 于 (Sun Jun 17 23:53:04 2012, 美东) 提到:
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Mon Jun 18 16:44:58 2012, 美东) 提到:
iamright (唻哥泡泡糖) 于 (Mon Jun 18 16:46:09 2012, 美东) 提到:
为什么啊 !!why!
这个合计很好 建议大家好好研读
多谢kathylee做合集. 我也在回复1136的RFE.

【在 f*****e 的大作中提到】
: 多谢kathylee做合集. 我也在回复1136的RFE.