The Housing Bubble?# Investment - 投资
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The Housing Bubble
Are we experiencing a housing bubble? That’s the million dollar question bein
g asked by most homeowners today. Here is the evidence that we are in a massiv
e housing bubble:
At first look, housing and real estate are performing spectacularly. Since 198
0, the average home is up by 185 percent. In recent years, despite the recessi
on, housing prices have risen by over 43 percent. To put that into perspective
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The Housing Bubble
Are we experiencing a housing bubble? That’s the million dollar question bein
g asked by most homeowners today. Here is the evidence that we are in a massiv
e housing bubble:
At first look, housing and real estate are performing spectacularly. Since 198
0, the average home is up by 185 percent. In recent years, despite the recessi
on, housing prices have risen by over 43 percent. To put that into perspective
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