新泽西一位superintendent常年在学校球场上拉屎被抓 (转载)
新泽西一位superintendent常年在学校球场上拉屎被抓 (转载)# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
标 题: 新泽西一位superintendent常年在学校球场上拉屎被抓
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 3 15:00:36 2018, 美东)
New Jersey superintendent defecated on high school football field 'on a
daily basis,' cops say
A New Jersey superintendent was arrested Monday when officials discovered he
had been defecating on a high school football field "on a daily basis,&
#34; police said.
Thomas Tramaglini, 42, was charged with lewdness, littering and defecating
in public, police said Thursday. The Kenilworth schools superintendent was
arrested after surveillance video caught him in the act on Holmdel High
School's football field.
Authorities began hunting for the "mystery pooper" after Holmdel
High School staff and coaches for football and track reported finding human
feces on or near the field nearly every day.
Tramaglini was arrested while running on the athletic fields' track just
before 6 a.m. Monday, reported. Turns out, the alleged "pooper-
intendent" lived in Aberdeen, about three miles away from the high
Tramaglini took a paid leave of absence after his arrest.
"We learned of municipal court charges facing our current superintendent
of schools in Holmdel, NJ. Given the nature of those charges, he asked for
and was granted a paid leave of absence," according to a Wednesday
message posted on the Facebook page for Kenilworth Public Schools. The
district said unpaid leave would only occur "in the face of indictments
or tenure charges."
The superintendent makes $147,504 a year. He was named superintendent of
Kenilworth schools after his predecessor Scott Taylor resigned in August
2015. Tramaglini also has a part-time job as a lecturer at Rutgers Graduate
School of Education, reported. His employment status post-arrest at
the graduate school wasn't immediately clear.
Katherine Lam is a breaking and trending news digital producer for Fox News.
Follow her on Twitter at @bykatherinelam
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国牛 (转载)你们老婆怀孕的时候, JJ是不是 (转载)ATM机坏了,就会不断地往外吐钞票,这是不少电影中的桥段。一小伙信以为真,特地买了饮料请ATM机“喝”,打算把ATM机搞坏弄点钱。但几瓶饮料倒下去,不仅钱没吐出来,ATM机还坏了。近日,该小伙因涉嫌故意毁坏财物罪被南京秦淮警方刑事拘留,他还面临十多万元的赔偿。 9月下旬的一天早上,朝天宫附近一家银行工作人员发现,自助区的一台ATM机坏了,导致其他ATM机前排起了长队,而ATM机损坏的原因却匪夷所思,于是报警。 民警通过监控发现,当天凌晨,一名20岁左右的小伙走进银行的自助区,径直走向了损坏的ATM机。只见他拿出一张银行卡放进ATM机,选择了存款业务。可接下来发生的事让民警瞠目结舌:待ATM机的放钞口打开后,小伙掏出一个饮料瓶,直接朝着ATM机的放钞口开始倒饮料,整整两瓶饮料倒完后,他还击打了两下ATM机。随后,小伙便离开了自助银行。 这是什么情况,画面中的小伙为何要给ATM机“喝”饮料?民警百思不得其解。就在民警调查时,派出所又连续接到另外两家银行的报警,他们同样各有一台ATM机遭“毒手”。经过调取监控,是同一人干的。 种种情况表明,嫌疑人是蓄意作案。经过大量排查走访工作,民警找到了嫌疑人王某。在派出所内,王某交代了事情的经过。今年初,他和哥哥一起到南京打工。由于沉迷赌博,欠了不少钱,于是便想到银行弄些钱花花。王某说,自己曾在网上看到电影桥段:ATM机坏了后,会一直往外吐钞票,好多人疯抢。“所以我想把ATM机搞坏,让它吐钞票。” 王某能想到的让ATM机坏掉的办法就是给它“喝”饮料。案发当天凌晨,王某准备了好几瓶饮料,然后来到自助银行,将饮料灌进了ATM机的放钞口。但他没想到,连试了3台ATM机,没有一台吐钞票。 王某蓄意破坏ATM机的行为已经造成两台ATM损坏,光维修费用就超过14万元。目前,王某因涉嫌故意毁坏财物罪被秦淮警方依法刑事拘留,同时他还要承担给银行带来的损失。一些笑话跟猫养在一起太久了 哈士奇忘记自己的真实身份 (转载)加贝拒绝了孔修斯世界和平奖【笑话来了】本想对他回眸一笑,谁知道冒出了个鼻涕泡。。。【万圣节活动——雷版鬼故事接龙】 (转载)这倒好“扬州炒饭=猪食”摔茶杯还是有用的,中国高铁招标幕后:中方代表摔茶杯镇住日企 (转载)据说克老太现在变得 “presendential”了为什么美国的马桶都是一个按钮的!山东某小学取消低年级数学课原来是因为这个津巴布韦总统拒绝领奖 称孔子和平奖微不足道(图) zzRe: 美国物价真比国内便宜吗? (转载)中国应该在南海岛上建大餐馆,buffet,或者送外卖马蹄南去人北望这个跳水可以得几分刻南瓜灯大赛,大家有何创意?新西兰