Discouraged by two books# Law - 律师事务所
Last weekend, I bought two books, law school confidential and essays that get
you into law school. I reviewed the essays and found out some of the essays
witty and intelligient, on which lever I will never be able to achieve. The
confidential one talks about the reading load and it scared the hell out of
Maybe law school is not for me.
Take it easy bah. ALthough I am also scared now. I am reading Nutshells and
found they are like a hell.But it seems contract is a little easier.I can
understant what it says but I can not remember.And I think my speed is too
slow ~15 pages per hour.I always have to stop and think about what the
sentences mean.
I will enroll this fall. How about you?


【在 g*k 的大作中提到】
: Last weekend, I bought two books, law school confidential and essays that get
: you into law school. I reviewed the essays and found out some of the essays
: witty and intelligient, on which lever I will never be able to achieve. The
: confidential one talks about the reading load and it scared the hell out of
: me.
: Maybe law school is not for me.

So people in law school are just average joe like me. Kind of want to see how
you guys will do. I believe my English is in the top 10% among Chinese, but
I am still not confident enough to go to law school. Besides, I hate reading.
Tons and tons of papers and books will depress me to death.

【在 y*******y 的大作中提到】
: Take it easy bah. ALthough I am also scared now. I am reading Nutshells and
: found they are like a hell.But it seems contract is a little easier.I can
: understant what it says but I can not remember.And I think my speed is too
: slow ~15 pages per hour.I always have to stop and think about what the
: sentences mean.
: I will enroll this fall. How about you?
: get

For me, I used to think my English is good enough to carry on normal conversations. But now as I really look into the way I say things and pronounce things, I see myself far away from where I wanted myself to be.
When I look at the way the essays were written, I realized I am still at the level of eighth grade or lower.
The major season that I am looking into law school is the prestige a respectful attorney will bring me. :) My current job is boring and unchallenging and I want something to ligh

【在 a***a 的大作中提到】
: So people in law school are just average joe like me. Kind of want to see how
: you guys will do. I believe my English is in the top 10% among Chinese, but
: I am still not confident enough to go to law school. Besides, I hate reading.
: Tons and tons of papers and books will depress me to death.

Dude, it's good to find out what you want to do and carry it out. Best of
By the way, could you give some more info about the accent reduction course?
Do you get one-on-one attention or you have to find your own problems? Is it
expensive, both timewise and moneywise? I'm sure I need one too.

conversations. But now as I really look into the way I say things and
pronounce things, I see myself far away from where I wanted myself to be.
level of eighth grade or lower.
respectful attorney will

【在 g*k 的大作中提到】
: For me, I used to think my English is good enough to carry on normal conversations. But now as I really look into the way I say things and pronounce things, I see myself far away from where I wanted myself to be.
: When I look at the way the essays were written, I realized I am still at the level of eighth grade or lower.
: The major season that I am looking into law school is the prestige a respectful attorney will bring me. :) My current job is boring and unchallenging and I want something to ligh

It is a one on one session. Actually it is called communication disorder
clinic. I am their patient. :) It is not expensive. I pay about $25 for an
hour. First they gave me an 1.5 hrs evaluation. In the evaluation, they talked
to me, asked me to read some words and sentences and gave me a four pages'
evaluation that I need to work on.
Good luck.


【在 a*********y 的大作中提到】
: Dude, it's good to find out what you want to do and carry it out. Best of
: luck!
: By the way, could you give some more info about the accent reduction course?
: Do you get one-on-one attention or you have to find your own problems? Is it
: expensive, both timewise and moneywise? I'm sure I need one too.
: conversations. But now as I really look into the way I say things and
: pronounce things, I see myself far away from where I wanted myself to be.
: level of eighth grade or lower.
: respectful attorney will

That sounds fantastic! I just need someone to point out my problems. Is it a
unique thing of that particular university? Is it tied to ESL or primarily
meant for other "disorders"? I guess I need explore my school resources.


【在 g*k 的大作中提到】
: It is a one on one session. Actually it is called communication disorder
: clinic. I am their patient. :) It is not expensive. I pay about $25 for an
: hour. First they gave me an 1.5 hrs evaluation. In the evaluation, they talked
: to me, asked me to read some words and sentences and gave me a four pages'
: evaluation that I need to work on.
: Good luck.
: the
: I
: see

Accent is not a problem if you can express yourself. Actually, a lot of
Americans I know find accent to be cute, and they would offer more help if
they notice your accent.

【在 a*********y 的大作中提到】
: Dude, it's good to find out what you want to do and carry it out. Best of
: luck!
: By the way, could you give some more info about the accent reduction course?
: Do you get one-on-one attention or you have to find your own problems? Is it
: expensive, both timewise and moneywise? I'm sure I need one too.
: conversations. But now as I really look into the way I say things and
: pronounce things, I see myself far away from where I wanted myself to be.
: level of eighth grade or lower.
: respectful attorney will

My experience tells me that only applies to cute Chinese girls. :)

whether I

【在 a***a 的大作中提到】
: Accent is not a problem if you can express yourself. Actually, a lot of
: Americans I know find accent to be cute, and they would offer more help if
: they notice your accent.

Well, I learned it from
1. a "cute" Japanese boy. He speaks with such heavy
accent that it is hard for me to understand him. But, whenever asked to do
a survey or any kind of job that need talking and asking for help, he gets
it done better than anyone, because, as he puts it. People slow it done to
help him
2. a rude Russian-Jewish guy in my class. Can not understand him,
but always speaks with confidence, no matter he has the point or not.
Works too.
3. an American told my friend no matter how

【在 a*********y 的大作中提到】
: My experience tells me that only applies to cute Chinese girls. :)
: course?
: it
: the
: the
: whether I
: university
: otheme.

I will be very embarrassed if I were boy #1. I hate arrogant people and don't
want to be one, so #2 won't work for me. You did make a point that confidence
level matters. It certainly works for people who are born with confidence. But
for many of us, especially students of hard science, accents add to sense of
insecurity, which, in turn, affects the confidence level. Furthermore, it's
simply frustrating to have to repeat yourself.
Most Americans won't stop to help you with your accents for vario

【在 a***a 的大作中提到】
: Well, I learned it from
: 1. a "cute" Japanese boy. He speaks with such heavy
: accent that it is hard for me to understand him. But, whenever asked to do
: a survey or any kind of job that need talking and asking for help, he gets
: it done better than anyone, because, as he puts it. People slow it done to
: help him
: 2. a rude Russian-Jewish guy in my class. Can not understand him,
: but always speaks with confidence, no matter he has the point or not.
: Works too.
: 3. an American told my friend no matter how

hehe,you dont have to win every debate. I hated it when people pretend to
listen to me very hard. Now I am not sure I got used to it or got over it. I
went through a lot of speech class and English classes. Actually I think "you
have accent" is just a nice way of saying "you say it wrong". I am now go
through the process of updating my pronunciation system. It is a huge project.
There is will there is way. Dont worry, be happy.


【在 a*********y 的大作中提到】
: I will be very embarrassed if I were boy #1. I hate arrogant people and don't
: want to be one, so #2 won't work for me. You did make a point that confidence
: level matters. It certainly works for people who are born with confidence. But
: for many of us, especially students of hard science, accents add to sense of
: insecurity, which, in turn, affects the confidence level. Furthermore, it's
: simply frustrating to have to repeat yourself.
: Most Americans won't stop to help you with your accents for vario

Apparently I am not a law student. I did not even make my point clear. Guess
if I go, even to the top 5 school, I would be the 3% that never find a job,
or the 30% that never get to the position they want.
A 40 year woman wanted to have a face lift, thinking this would win back her
husbands heart. After spending the time and money, she still lost him. She
lost more than just a man this time.
My boss married an American for 30 years. She speaks with such strong accents,
I could not understand her

【在 g*k 的大作中提到】
: hehe,you dont have to win every debate. I hated it when people pretend to
: listen to me very hard. Now I am not sure I got used to it or got over it. I
: went through a lot of speech class and English classes. Actually I think "you
: have accent" is just a nice way of saying "you say it wrong". I am now go
: through the process of updating my pronunciation system. It is a huge project.
: There is will there is way. Dont worry, be happy.
: don't
: confidence
: But

Just curious.Do you know any chinese guy who went to TOP5 but didn't find a
job? Now I am scared.I think law school should at least be better than biz
school bah.After all, lawyering is technical task while business is like art.


【在 a***a 的大作中提到】
: Apparently I am not a law student. I did not even make my point clear. Guess
: if I go, even to the top 5 school, I would be the 3% that never find a job,
: or the 30% that never get to the position they want.
: A 40 year woman wanted to have a face lift, thinking this would win back her
: husbands heart. After spending the time and money, she still lost him. She
: lost more than just a man this time.
: My boss married an American for 30 years. She speaks with such strong accents,
: I could not understand her

I think most Chinese will take any job if they do not have a choice. I think
you are safe in that aspect.
If you check the statistics offered by schools, 3-5% will not find a job. About
2% never found a job after law school graduation, and certain percentage quit
after 3-5 years. Most are Americans who do not have to make a living, or
believe job should be fun part of life.
However, you might very likely be sucked into a bad working environment. Much
worse than the worst lab you have ever seen.

【在 y*******y 的大作中提到】
: Just curious.Do you know any chinese guy who went to TOP5 but didn't find a
: job? Now I am scared.I think law school should at least be better than biz
: school bah.After all, lawyering is technical task while business is like art.
: accents,
: I
: "you
: project.

hehe, or the british one
There is a book called "pronouciation for success", very good.


【在 a*********y 的大作中提到】
: That sounds fantastic! I just need someone to point out my problems. Is it a
: unique thing of that particular university? Is it tied to ESL or primarily
: meant for other "disorders"? I guess I need explore my school resources.
: talked
: course?
: it
: the
: whether
: university

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