2 楼
是。去best buy比比看看吧。
4 楼
Second this.
It's actually better, for the first year. But it phases out faster, so in
the longer term, it's not so good, unless you only
use it for a couple of years
【在 e****g 的大作中提到】
: Plasma, in general, has better picture, especially in terms of color
: saturation and dark level. However, it is heavier and may consume a bit
: more energy.
It's actually better, for the first year. But it phases out faster, so in
the longer term, it's not so good, unless you only
use it for a couple of years
【在 e****g 的大作中提到】
: Plasma, in general, has better picture, especially in terms of color
: saturation and dark level. However, it is heavier and may consume a bit
: more energy.
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