does it make sense to turn primary to rental for tax deduction?# LivingN*s2011-07-12 07:071 楼look to buy a new place but our current house will sell at a loss of about acouple of dozens grands.any suggestions?
N*s2011-07-12 07:072 楼sure. will rent it for a year with all leasing agreement, etc for audit.thanks,turn
f*i2011-07-12 07:076 楼按照IRS的规定,出租房屋必须按照rental property报收入,并将房屋以27.5年折旧。因为这是法律,那被audit也没啥事,因为是IRS要求的。不按rental property报税就是逃税。除非是假出租,屋主还住在里面,或者捏造一个租客,那另当别论。IRS如果没有专门的条款来禁止,primary resident转rental property报收入,然后卖掉take loss的条文,那按美国规矩,算合理避税。