【在 l*****r 的大作中提到】 : 谨慎的反对一下。reading itself should be rewarding enough. : 老大跟我小时候一样,成天抱着本书根本不放手,完全不需要小星星鼓励。
12 楼
这个ID(肯定不是Vivian)发的帖子,你看是不是可以作证?I feel extremely offensive by the fact she sent all my emails to the third party. cengyiyi (别了,YIYI) 于 (Tue Apr 3 12:49:41 2012, 美东) 提到: bbppb,你刚才说到closing的时候,V才问你要deposit? 查你的9/27/2011 email:白字黑字, 6) Your Visa/Master credit card number, verification code and expiration date OR copy of $500 check payable to Jadia Mortgage LLC for the real estate deposit, this cost will be credited back to you at closing. 9/27发的loan package,需要你签字,递交,你什么递交的,还一再说没有拖延时间, 积极配合? 你口口声声,在上次攻击v的时候,说,他们要的材料,自己第二天就给了! 但是,请你查查,9/27的package, 10/8才回来,过了package due date. 这还是你第一次expire,(后面还有), 要cost0.125%, v 有没有责怪你??? 很多很多,,, 暂时替你藏着点!幸亏都有EMAIL, google 来作证。
看书真不能用逼的, 必须得禁止禁止再禁止, 娃就哭着喊着要读书, 个个都跟高玉宝一样 浏览了下娃开学给老师的信, 通篇都是i want to learn i want to learn i want to learn!!! 看来是给去年的老师憋坏了. 也不能怪老师, 去年开始我们学区要求放慢速 度, 不许提前教了, :S
Reservations and ticketing require at least 21 days' advance notice and must include a Saturday night stay. Most international travel: stay at least 7 but no more than 30 days. Check requirements when booking. Stopovers of more than 4 hours are not permitted and there is no limit on connections. Actual travel dates/times are subject to availability of coach-, business-, or first-class airfare, as applicable.
你可以用你娃对 informational text 各领域 balanced 兴趣, 秒杀掉那些 non- informational text 的。。。 不过说句大实话, informational text 没啥能雪中送炭的在线教程。。。non- informational text 都成功地搞了那么多年了, 在线教程最多也就是个锦上添花。。。 // 哈哈, 在被 id 追杀之前, 俺先 run 了。。。
"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you." -Mortimer J. Adler
121 楼
【在 L*********t 的大作中提到】 : "In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can : get through, but rather how many can get through to you." : -Mortimer J. Adler