1. anagram
2. OO design: candy bar
3. sort color
4. 给一个小写的string,例如“abcd” 输出所有大小写混合的组合
5. string to double
6. given a string words, find the shortest substring including all the given
key words
7. what is little/big endian, how to tell if one machine is little or big
endian machine?
8. power set
9. smart pointer
10. given a set of weighted intervals, find the set non-overlap weighted
intervals that has the biggest weight
11. two sum变形
12. serialize/deserialize binary tree, the leetcode solution is not accepted
by the interviewer, nor the inorder&preorder sequence method
13. design a data structure that can support: get element in O(1), delete
randomly in O(1)
14. how to swap the i-th and j-th bits of an integer
15. median of two sorted arrays - all possible solutions discussed
16. find the kth element from an unsorted array
17. valid number
18, given an unsorted integer array, find three integers can form a triangle
19. tell if two words are one-character different: replace/delete/insert
20. given an array of 32-bit integers, the array is already sorted according
to the most significant 28bits, sort the array in O(n)
21. return all the nodes on the deepest path of a BST O(n)
22. an array of float number, calculate the average value with a sliding
window, the window is moved with k steps every time. need to keep the
precision for float type: 1000000 + 0.01 = 1000000 (not wanted)
23. big integer operation and compare
24. generate maze
25. what is TCP, UDP, RTP, differences of them? what is RTP header? what is
DNS? Who owns DNS? What is the name of the organization that manages DNS?
Can a company own its own DNS? Describe how DNS works in very detailed way.
what will happen when you type google.com? How google deal with so many
requests per second? How to load balance the request? What is SSL? What is
the protocol/design mechanism of SSL?