credit score and late payments: share my experience
credit score and late payments: share my experience# Living
I found I had late payments for CITI credit card when I started shopping for
mortgage (June 13 and July 13 were the due date, I paid on July 17). It is
a nightmare.
The results: today CITI removed my bad history.
CITI called me and told me that I was on PAPERLESS since April 2013.I do not
know how that could happen. I have no clue at all. I use Chase visa,
American Express and Discover card most of the time. Many times the balance
on this CITI card was zero. When I did not receive statement from CITI it
did not alarm me since I thought the balance was zero.
First time I called CITI last week, I was angry and pointed my finger to
them. Then I realized no one can help me but CITI. Even though I filed
dispute with three credit bureau, they will consult with CITI. If CITI
insists it is not their fault, my bad history will stay, and it will
definitely affect my mortgage application.
I called CITI total about 5-6 times since last week. Each time I was very
humble. I kept explaining to them I have no knowledge of how and when I was
on paperless. I have been always paying my bill on time. After years of
receiving the paper statements, it becomes my habit of paying bill relying
on the paper statement. I am single mother with two younger children and a
demanding job. The email from CITI goes to my junk mail directly. No
statement did not alarm me since many times my balance was zero ...
CITI initially removed one of my late fee. Then they insisted they can not
remove the past history. Today they eventually removed the financial charges
and told me I can fax a letter (good will) to their credit dispute unit (
attention to ken who was vice present).
During today's call, one represent reminded me if someone else could have
done it (sign up for paperless). Then I remembered that I had three credit
card theft in April and May this year: two from Discover cards and one from
Chase visa. Someone used my credit card and purchased stuff online. Because
I was waiting for my new chase visa card, and my daughter's summer camp only
accepts visa or master card, I put $600 on this CITI master card on May 15.
Since I did not receive any paper statement, I forgot to pay the bill on
June 13 and July 13.
I guess CITI found someone else to blame: credit theft. After my talk with
them around 1:00pm, I got an email from Experian that the dispute was closed
. I was puzzled how they could close it so quick. At night, I opened the
dispute result, and found CITI cleared my late payments.
What I learned from this experience is that: I will take care of my credit
score very carefully. It will bite you when you need it, if you do not take
good care of it.
Hope it will help someone in the future.
搭车谈谈我的zombie debt出现的经历。 七年前的parking ticket 在申请mortgage的
时候复活了。听说一个debt collection能把分数降三五十分,把我老人家吓得半死。
结果lender 七月又查了一次信用,我的分数从801降到了800,白受惊一场..


【在 z****e 的大作中提到】
: I found I had late payments for CITI credit card when I started shopping for
: mortgage (June 13 and July 13 were the due date, I paid on July 17). It is
: a nightmare.
: The results: today CITI removed my bad history.
: CITI called me and told me that I was on PAPERLESS since April 2013.I do not
: know how that could happen. I have no clue at all. I use Chase visa,
: American Express and Discover card most of the time. Many times the balance
: on this CITI card was zero. When I did not receive statement from CITI it
: did not alarm me since I thought the balance was zero.
: First time I called CITI last week, I was angry and pointed my finger to
