背景:5月12日,DHS公布了一个新的Proposal,要调整EB1B的标准(貌似是降低),以 解决今年H1B抽不上的问题。该草案将公示60天,到7月11日为止,然后DHS会根据大家 意见汇总修改成定稿以后签署实施。然而该法案现在的条款非常模糊,基本就是这样: The proposed rule would add comparable evidence to the list of evidentiary criteria that must be satisfied in order to qualify for an EB1B I-140 petition. This addition will bring the regulations for EB1B petitions in line with other employment-based immigrant categories that already permit the submission of comparable evidence (e.g., EB1-A Alien of Extraordinary Ability, EB-2 Exceptional Ability). Examples of comparable evidence include important patents and prestigious, peer-reviewed funding grants. 政府的大方向是放宽EB1B,而现在移民局几个杀手胡乱解释现行政策,人为提高EB1 的 标准,很多强Case都被RFE和NOID。这次DHS征求EB1B标准修改的意见,发言的群众不多 ,对想投诉的苦主很有利,因为每条投诉都会有人认真看。DHS是USCIS的上级部门, DHS出面去敲打一下那几个杀手,哪怕是发个信给他们的Manager质询一下,也会让他们 有所收敛。建议被杀手刁难的同志们都去伸冤。 http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketBrowser;rpp=100;so=DESC;sb=d 建议发言言简意赅,不要超过一页A4纸的篇幅,重点突出几条: 1. 点出杀手的中心,代号 2. 自己的Qualification,证明很强,完全符合政府的标准 3. 杀手给出的荒唐理由 4. 要求政府重新审核认定标准,并加强对有关人员的培训。
同志们,奥巴马和DHS 部长Jeh Johnson要用行政手段从执行层面推动移民改革了, EB1B也是诸多Executive Order的一部分,大家有啥要求尽管去提,过了7月11日就有这 村没这店了。 http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/30/politics/obama-immigration/ Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder will "identify additional actions my administration can take within my existing legal authorities, to do what Congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can," the President said.