FBI Launches Child ID Mobile App# Parenting - 为人父母L*S2011-08-17 07:081 楼12月份开了自由卡1月份开了切菜卡,reconsider挪CL通过现在眼巴巴看着美航卡50k要过期,又想申请我都想抽自己。
o*y2011-08-17 07:084 楼Not sure how effective this app will be. I thought it was a tracking devicefor kids.
G*e2011-08-17 07:086 楼It could shorten the turnaround time by giving the authorities instantaccess to the important information.device【在 o******y 的大作中提到】: Not sure how effective this app will be. I thought it was a tracking device: for kids.
F*D2011-08-17 07:087 楼切菜卡是说蓝宝石? 呵呵,你不算贪心,我才是。【在 L*S 的大作中提到】: 12月份开了自由卡: 1月份开了切菜卡,reconsider挪CL通过: 现在眼巴巴看着美航卡50k要过期,又想申请: 我都想抽自己。