介绍一下San Diego最好的高中和他们的录取原则
介绍一下San Diego最好的高中和他们的录取原则# Parenting - 为人父母
有人质疑什么是有爱心而又更公义的录取原则。这所San Diego地区的公立高中提供了一个很好的答案。
在我们这里大家常觉得Carmel Valley这个精英荟萃的地方的Torrey Pine High School(US Newsweek Ranking #125)是最好的学校。TPHS去年有6个哈佛录取的,十几个斯坦福录取的。然而在US Newsweek的排名上,她远远掉在了另一个名不见经传的小学校后。谁说美国人不知道怎么样用social economic background来衡量学生了。
这所小学校叫Preuss School UCSD (US Newsweek Ranking #17).我朋友帮哈佛校友面试时,这个学校的申请生录取率最高。他连续两年面试了两个从这个学校出来后来被哈佛录取的越南孩子。他告诉我那几个孩子的故事真的很感人。他们这得是overcome a lot of hardship to arrive where they are.例如有个孩子为了能上这个学校,每天5点就起来去朋友家里等车。这样求学上进的孩子是我们愿意帮助的。
我衷心地希望美国有更多这样的高中。我觉得帮助这样的孩子是公平合理的。他们用的social economic indicators由下文可见:
1)Low income
2) Represent the first generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college or university.
这是US Newsweek对这个学校的解释:
The Preuss School UCSD was designed as an intensive college preparatory
educational environment for low income students who represent the first
generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college or
university. Through the application of tutor-assisted teaching, a single
track college preparatory curriculum, small classes, and a number of “
scaffolds” (student supports), the Preuss School UCSD mission is to create
a highly enriched middle and senior high school instructional environment
that will prepare graduates to distinguish themselves academically, and thus
be competitive for admission to the University of California (“UC” or “
University”) and other selective institutions of higher learning. Above all
, The Preuss School UCSD provides an environment in which students are
continually encouraged and empowered to develop a greater sense of
confidence and self-worth through self-sufficiency and a sense of pride in
their academic accomplishments. The School fosters a culture of high
academic performance in an environment that encourages risk-taking. Students
are taught the art of questioning as well as logical and critical thinking.
The Preuss School UCSD experience will be deemed successful if it
stimulates graduates to enjoy a lifelong intellectual curiosity and
dedication to continued learning. The School also sees as its mission the
development of personal character, healthy lifestyles, good judgment, and
ethical behavior. It is further recognized that students’ families,
community institutions, and the School share responsibility for encouraging
young people to develop both as scholars and as citizens. The Preuss School
UCSD is envisioned as a “model school” and has developed an enriched
educational environment, including effective curricular frameworks, academic
and social support systems, innovative methods for fostering and sustaining
parental and family involvement, and new practices for teaching students—
all of which can be abstracted, modified, and applied in other local
educational settings. Opened in 1998, The Preuss School UCSD fostered a new
collaboration between the University of California and San Diego Unified
School District (“District”) whereby successful new practices are adapted
and transferred to UCSD partnership schools and other public schools. The
UCSD experience will also serve other colleges and universities in
California and the United States as they, too, develop charter schools. In
summary, The Preuss School UCSD has served as a model for other university
based charter school.
Asian Americans and Poverty
MYFOXNY.COM - Many Americans think of Asians here as a model community with
money. Some are but many Asian Americans are truly the working poor.
A New York City study found the poverty rate among Asian Americans was
higher than African Americans. That study included government programs as
The Asian American Federation also did a similar study . The federation
found that many of the Asian poor worked -- and on average worked longer
hours. One reason is dead-end service jobs in hotels or restaurants. Recent
Asian immigrants are, according to the study, often unaware of programs
suchas unemployment, Medicare and housing.
I believe many colleges/universities also consider family income and
background when admitting students, along with many, many other factors
which may include race.
However, what they cannot do, is to use a lottery to choose the lucky ones
out of all qualified applicants. This is what is being done at Preuss.
Preuss is a very good experimentation, but its admission guidelines simply
cannot be adapted everywhere else.

School(US Newsweek Ranking #125)是最好的学校。TPHS去年有6个哈佛录取的,十几
个斯坦福录取的。然而在US Newsweek的排名上,她远远掉在了另一个名不见经传的小
学校后。谁说美国人不知道怎么样用social economic background来衡量学生了。
哈佛录取的越南孩子。他告诉我那几个孩子的故事真的很感人。他们这得是overcome a
lot of hardship to arrive where they are.例如有个孩子为了能上这个学校,每天
的social economic indicators由下文可见:
four-year college or university.

【在 s*********5 的大作中提到】
: 有人质疑什么是有爱心而又更公义的录取原则。这所San Diego地区的公立高中提供了一个很好的答案。
: 在我们这里大家常觉得Carmel Valley这个精英荟萃的地方的Torrey Pine High School(US Newsweek Ranking #125)是最好的学校。TPHS去年有6个哈佛录取的,十几个斯坦福录取的。然而在US Newsweek的排名上,她远远掉在了另一个名不见经传的小学校后。谁说美国人不知道怎么样用social economic background来衡量学生了。
: 这所小学校叫Preuss School UCSD (US Newsweek Ranking #17).我朋友帮哈佛校友面试时,这个学校的申请生录取率最高。他连续两年面试了两个从这个学校出来后来被哈佛录取的越南孩子。他告诉我那几个孩子的故事真的很感人。他们这得是overcome a lot of hardship to arrive where they are.例如有个孩子为了能上这个学校,每天5点就起来去朋友家里等车。这样求学上进的孩子是我们愿意帮助的。
: 我衷心地希望美国有更多这样的高中。我觉得帮助这样的孩子是公平合理的。他们用的social economic indicators由下文可见:
: 1)Low income
: 2) Represent the first generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college or university.
: 这是US Newsweek对这个学校的解释:
: The Preuss School UCSD was designed as an intensive college preparatory
: educational environment for low income students who represent the first
