******紧急呼吁******# Parenting - 为人父母
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现在有很多评论,请参加support支持我们的评论, voted down 歧视性评论。
我的评论 under "Tony"
This guy asked those kids on the show "Should we allow the Chinese to live?
" that's certainly out of limit.
If we allow this type jokes to be aired and repeated, one day any Asian
looking boys or girls could be a victim of a hatred crime against Asian no
matter they are an American Chinese, American Korean or American Japanese
since you cannot tell them apart . I don't want my sons become one of those
victims, that's why I stand up!
Yes, this will go over ABC, this will go beyond Disney. As Asian Americans,
we paid taxes, contribute to the county, sacrifice for the county whenever
there is a need. We deserve a fair respect as any other races and
现在有很多评论,请参加support支持我们的评论, voted down 歧视性评论。
我的评论 under "Tony"
This guy asked those kids on the show "Should we allow the Chinese to live?
" that's certainly out of limit.
If we allow this type jokes to be aired and repeated, one day any Asian
looking boys or girls could be a victim of a hatred crime against Asian no
matter they are an American Chinese, American Korean or American Japanese
since you cannot tell them apart . I don't want my sons become one of those
victims, that's why I stand up!
Yes, this will go over ABC, this will go beyond Disney. As Asian Americans,
we paid taxes, contribute to the county, sacrifice for the county whenever
there is a need. We deserve a fair respect as any other races and