Re: 强烈推荐 -- <<李自成>> by 姚雪垠!
Re: 强烈推荐 -- <<李自成>> by 姚雪垠!# Reader - 书香世家
Really, I see no reason that Jin's books are better than Yao's.:-)
Imagine that you were in his decade and what you would do. I don't know if you
have experienced any novels in that period, but I can tell you that this book
is really not politically oriented, at least it's author tried hard to do so,
that's a reason it was quite controvertial in 70's and got thefirst "Mao Dun"
If you are careful enough, you'll find that in this book, Li is quite
different from the image we are familiar in
You are one of the most reasonable person I met on bbs!
Normally, people like to:
1. make statement to object other's opinion
2. list reason to rebutt one by one
3. forget what they want to rebutt, then just rebutt everything... :-)
I agree with most of your opinion. It is my pleasure to add some comments:
* The comparison of Jin and Yao's novel is one of the most interesting article
I ever read, it is published on Jan 89, a very serious journal in China,
(sorry I forget the name), at the same v

【在 b******u 的大作中提到】
: Really, I see no reason that Jin's books are better than Yao's.:-)
: Imagine that you were in his decade and what you would do. I don't know if you
: have experienced any novels in that period, but I can tell you that this book
: is really not politically oriented, at least it's author tried hard to do so,
: that's a reason it was quite controvertial in 70's and got thefirst "Mao Dun"
: prize.
: If you are careful enough, you'll find that in this book, Li is quite
: different from the image we are familiar in
