gibbon's decline & fall# Reader - 书香世家
I recently acquired a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of
Roman Empire, and began to read a few pages of it every
night b4 sleep. it is really hard to exaggerate the joy
in reading the book, a happiness that has been lost and
buried in my memory for a long time. The book is written
in so elegant and beautiful prose that I seldom see,
even more with intelligence and insight and humor that
satisfies a reader's insatiable demand of not bored by
monotonous beauty, and a rare passionate view of

【在 f******k 的大作中提到】
: I recently acquired a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of
: Roman Empire, and began to read a few pages of it every
: night b4 sleep. it is really hard to exaggerate the joy
: in reading the book, a happiness that has been lost and
: buried in my memory for a long time. The book is written
: in so elegant and beautiful prose that I seldom see,
: even more with intelligence and insight and humor that
: satisfies a reader's insatiable demand of not bored by
: monotonous beauty, and a rare passionate view of
: hist

unabridged except footnotes are selected. i do not intend to finish
the book in a short time. the shining point here is not really the
story-telling style like Zi1Zhi4Tong1Jian4, but the author's viewpoint
and delicious sarcasm, hoho...

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: 全本还是缩写本?全本细节太多,读来实在有点吃不消。
suprised to see Gibbon here...:) one anecdote about Gibbon's
Decline and Fall of Roman Empire that shall always fascinates
me is the outcome of his study. Gibbon was motivated by his love
and admiration of Roman empire when he went to Italy,
intending to write a book on the rise and glory of Roman Empire,
yet he ended up writing a book about it's decline and fall.
I love this part of unpredictability, it's real life. and Gibbon
is a real historian since he did not follow his prejudgments whatso

【在 f******k 的大作中提到】
: I recently acquired a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of
: Roman Empire, and began to read a few pages of it every
: night b4 sleep. it is really hard to exaggerate the joy
: in reading the book, a happiness that has been lost and
: buried in my memory for a long time. The book is written
: in so elegant and beautiful prose that I seldom see,
: even more with intelligence and insight and humor that
: satisfies a reader's insatiable demand of not bored by
: monotonous beauty, and a rare passionate view of
: hist

i even didnt finish "the rise and fall of the third Reich" in
2 years.

【在 f******k 的大作中提到】
: I recently acquired a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of
: Roman Empire, and began to read a few pages of it every
: night b4 sleep. it is really hard to exaggerate the joy
: in reading the book, a happiness that has been lost and
: buried in my memory for a long time. The book is written
: in so elegant and beautiful prose that I seldom see,
: even more with intelligence and insight and humor that
: satisfies a reader's insatiable demand of not bored by
: monotonous beauty, and a rare passionate view of
: hist



【在 f******k 的大作中提到】
: I recently acquired a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of
: Roman Empire, and began to read a few pages of it every
: night b4 sleep. it is really hard to exaggerate the joy
: in reading the book, a happiness that has been lost and
: buried in my memory for a long time. The book is written
: in so elegant and beautiful prose that I seldom see,
: even more with intelligence and insight and humor that
: satisfies a reader's insatiable demand of not bored by
: monotonous beauty, and a rare passionate view of
: hist

除了Gibbon,个人推荐Will Durant的系列历史著作.也许最难最好的还要数Toynbee.

sarcasm is a strong word. i'd say irony; gentle irony and calm reason sifted
through a clear mind..that's charm..

【在 f******k 的大作中提到】
: unabridged except footnotes are selected. i do not intend to finish
: the book in a short time. the shining point here is not really the
: story-telling style like Zi1Zhi4Tong1Jian4, but the author's viewpoint
: and delicious sarcasm, hoho...

gibbon visited rome ten years before the books were published.
among the ancient ruins he mused on the decline and fall of roman empire.
maybe what his eyes beheld (the remains of empire) changed his orginal

【在 m****a 的大作中提到】
: suprised to see Gibbon here...:) one anecdote about Gibbon's
: Decline and Fall of Roman Empire that shall always fascinates
: me is the outcome of his study. Gibbon was motivated by his love
: and admiration of Roman empire when he went to Italy,
: intending to write a book on the rise and glory of Roman Empire,
: yet he ended up writing a book about it's decline and fall.
: I love this part of unpredictability, it's real life. and Gibbon
: is a real historian since he did not follow his prejudgments whatso

originally Gibbon planned to focus on just the history of
the capital city, Rome, when he visited the site, especially
the ruin of a temple (Juno's temple?), but later on what he
carried out is the history of the entire empire, which is
reasonable that he might have found out that the history of
the capital city can not be seperated from issues of the
whole empire, which she controlled by terms of politics,
culture, and morality.

【在 or 的大作中提到】
: gibbon visited rome ten years before the books were published.
: among the ancient ruins he mused on the decline and fall of roman empire.
: maybe what his eyes beheld (the remains of empire) changed his orginal
: intention..

You can download from Project Gutenberg, free. Load it to your PDA,
read it anywhere.

【在 f******k 的大作中提到】
: I recently acquired a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of
: Roman Empire, and began to read a few pages of it every
: night b4 sleep. it is really hard to exaggerate the joy
: in reading the book, a happiness that has been lost and
: buried in my memory for a long time. The book is written
: in so elegant and beautiful prose that I seldom see,
: even more with intelligence and insight and humor that
: satisfies a reader's insatiable demand of not bored by
: monotonous beauty, and a rare passionate view of
: hist

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