the name of the rose# Reader - 书香世家v*e2002-12-17 08:121 楼下决心两星期内读完。开头的手法很象福而摸斯,但我想,那么多人推崇,一定还有很特别的地方,我还没看见的吧。而昨天和前天的阅读它的尝试,都是以看不到五页纸就睡着而告终。。
or2002-12-17 08:122 楼this novel is probably the most bookish suspense..extremely speculative, cantbe a quick read..【在 v*******e 的大作中提到】: 下决心两星期内读完。: 开头的手法很象福而摸斯,但我想,那么多人推崇,一定还有很特别的: 地方,我还没看见的吧。: 而昨天和前天的阅读它的尝试,都是以看不到五页纸就睡着而告终。。
v*e2002-12-17 08:123 楼speculative? I thought it was deep and interesting.【在 or 的大作中提到】: this novel is probably the most bookish suspense..extremely speculative, cant: be a quick read..