五十年后的一份异议 z# Reader - 书香世家
1 楼
“Are you a member of any associations that require outstanding achievements
from their members? If yes, please provide details regarding your
membership and about how you were selected for membership. Do not list
associations with open membership.”
我曾在AIChE/ACS/AAPS等做过oral presentations,觉得这些协会应该不算是什么“
associations that require outstanding achievements from their members”,但
也不确定它们是不是“open membership”,所以,不知要不要往里填内容呢?
“Are you a member of any associations that require outstanding achievements
from their members? If yes, please provide details regarding your
membership and about how you were selected for membership. Do not list
associations with open membership.”
我曾在AIChE/ACS/AAPS等做过oral presentations,觉得这些协会应该不算是什么“
associations that require outstanding achievements from their members”,但
也不确定它们是不是“open membership”,所以,不知要不要往里填内容呢?