What are we doing?# Translation - 译林
What are we doing?
---- A true story, 9/27/2011
Days ago, I received a letter from the county tax commissioner reminding me
that it's time to renew my auto registration. By the way, the letter also
reminded me that my birthday is coming. Oh well, I don't want to think about
the birthday...
Anyway, back to car registration. Today, I decided to go to the commissioner
's office and have my registration renewed. I had done this before; so I
expected everything would be smooth and easy.
Once I entered the office this afternoon, I saw a serious-looking gentleman
behind a table with a small device that would produce a number for each one
visiting the office.
As I had done many time before, I approached him and politely said "may I
take a number?" However, this gentleman looked at me and asked "what are we
"What?" I wondered. Maybe he did not get my request properly? Maybe I did
not speak clearly or loud enough? I thought. So, raising my voice a little
bit, I repeated "may I have a number?". But the gentleman insisted: "What
are we doing?"
Now, I was totally puzzled. "What are we doing?" I asked myself. We were
doing nothing except conducting this conversation, I said to myself. But the
gentleman seemed like a sensible person; so he must have been asking a
meaningful question.
Then, suddenly, a light flashed in my mind: he was simply asking what I was
doing. Yes, that's it!
So, after gathering my thoughts, I answered: "I am here to renew my car
An almost unnoticeable relief appeared on his face. He smiled at me and said
"here is your number."
Then you know the rest. I waited until my number was called. I paid my tax
and fee and got my registration renewed for one more year. Everything was
indeed smooth and easy.
When I left the office, I said "bye" to the gentleman. Hopefully he will be
still there next year.
Next year, I will know what he means when he asks "what are we doing?"
---end of story---
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