50个包子求帮忙看看英文# Translation - 译林
April and her best friend
April and her family just moved to a little town called Bart. It’s their
fifth move since April could remember. For her father’s work, they moved
frequently and April was the “new kid” in school every couple of years. It
was hard always when it seemed that everyone else had their best friend
while April had to make new friends.
But April wasn’t always lonely; she has her secret - Wishy Bear. Wishy Bear
was April’s favorite toy. She took Wishy Bear everywhere she went and
shared with him every story she heard. Though he didn’t talk, April knew
that he could understand her.
Most importantly, Wishy Bear had some magic touch and could make April’s
wishes come true.
This time, April wanted a best and forever friend more than anything else in
the world. She made a wish to Wishy Bear, “I want a best and forever
friend.” Then she fell in fast sleep.
The next morning when April woke up, she found the Wishy Bear was gone!
“Where is my Wish Bear?” April was upset and worried about her only friend
who can always be with her. She searched every corner of her room, but she
couldn’t find him.
She went to ask Granny Luna in her bakery, “Granny, did you see my Wishy
- “Oh poor girl, you lost your toy? I’m so sorry to hear that, I didn’t
see it. However, I have the sweetest cake in the world, come and have a
taste! I’m sure it will cheer you up!”
April thanked Granny Luna and left.
She went to ask Miss Anna who was selling fruits in the corner of the street
, “Miss, excuse me, did you see my Wishy Bear?”
- “That toy you took everywhere? No, dear, I didn’t see it. Holiday is
coming, I guess you can get a new one.”
April shook her head and left.
She went to ask Uncle Mike who owned a small supermarket. “Sir, please, did
you see my Wishy Bear?”
- “That stuffed animal? No, sweetie, I didn’t see it. I have a lot of
stuffed animals here in my store, you can pick any one you like.”
April declined his kind offer and left.
She went to ask Mr. and Mrs. Timothy, who were working in their bookstore.
“Pardon me, Mr. and Mrs., did you see my Wishy Bear?”
-“Dear, we didn’t see your toy bear, but we have a lot of books about bear
, would you like some of them? They might be better than your bear!”
April left, disappointed and depressed, and wept at the thought that nobody
had seen her Wishy Bear and nobody cared about it - she has lost her only
Arf! Arf! A grey and dirty street dog barked to April.
April frowned, she didn’t like dog bark, let alone from a dirty street dog.
Arf! Arf! The dog continued.
How annoying it was! April got upset and turned around.
All of a sudden, the dog jumped to April and pushed her over.
And more than that, he took one of her shoes and jumped back aside, wagging
his tail so happily, staring at April, like saying “Come and get me!”
“Give my shoe back!” April was so angry, and rushed to the dog.
The dog ran away fast.
Running and chasing, they passed Granny Luna’s Bakery, Anne’s Fruits Store
, Mike’s supermarket and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy’s bookstore, till an oak
tree in the park.
Under a wood bench was laying the Wishy Bear.
April was very happy and saw the dog as her little hero.
Arf! Arf!
As April patted the dog, the dog wagged his tail joyfully.
“Hey, little guy, where do you live?" April recalled her wish last night.
“Arf! Arf!”
"Maybe I should call you Avery. Avery my best friend.” said April. Avery
found a new home at April’s place.
Avery was very proud of his new name and loved his new home. He accompanied
April everywhere and surely was her best friend.
When April woke up, Avery was beside her bed. Arf, Arf!
When April picked up lunch box, Avery helped her take the box. Arf, Arf!
When postman came to deliver the mail, Avery told her someone was coming.
Arf, Arf!
When they played with kids in the park, Avery chased each of them and wagged
his tail to tell them how happy he was. Arf, Arf!
April and Avery were always together, like peas and carrots.
But only one thing, no matter what Avery did or what Avery wanted, he would
bark as hard as he could.
“Arf, Arf!”
“Shhhh” April said to Avery, she didn’t like dog bark, just as before.
“Arf! Arf!”
April didn’t like Avery’s bark, and she went to Wishy Bear for advice.
She found an invisible muzzle and put it on Avery.
Avery became quiet, he could not arf arf, he could only ooh ooh, but still
was April’s inseparable companion.
One day in the other end of Bart Town, it opened a new dance class. “That
would be a lot of fun!” Kids whispered around the poster on wall. April
always loved dancing. She would go to the class with Avery too.
“You have to be quiet, don’t disturb others.” April said to Avery.
On the road to the class, thinking of how fun it would be, April couldn’t
help starting singing and dancing by herself.
Suddenly, the sky turned dark and wind started to blow. A huge monster
turned up and stood in the way of April.
“Little girl, I heard that you have a Wishy Bear who can make wishes come
true. I have a lot of wishes and definitely would love to give it a try.”
“Go away, I don’t even know you.”
“Don't’ be so impolite. Well, actually, I don’t think you have a choice.”
The huge monster was swooping down to April and trying to seize her.
“Ooh, Ooh!” Avery rushed out and stood between it and April.
“Oh you dummy dog, how dare you!”
However, Avery bravely jumped to the monster to protect April.
The monster was so furious and slapping to the dog.
The invisible muzzle was off.
Avery barked as hard as he could. His barking was like a thunderstorm and
wiped all the monster’s scary voice.
The monster stopped, stunned, and then flee the field.
April sit on the ground, sweet yet bitter tears filled her eyes as she was
so touched and moved by Avery.
April threw the muzzle away. Avery barked as loud as before. To her surprise
, his barking sounded not annoying any more.
“For her father’s work”
可以改成“Because of her father's job"

【在 h******v 的大作中提到】
: “For her father’s work”
: 可以改成“Because of her father's job"

"April left, disappointed and depressed, and wept at the thought that nobody
had seen her Wishy Bear and nobody cared about it -"
“Disappointed and depressed April left, weeping at the thought that nobody
had seen her Wishy Bear and nobody cared about him -"

【在 s*****a 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢指出!~发了5个包子~~~欢迎其他建议!~


【在 h******v 的大作中提到】
: "April left, disappointed and depressed, and wept at the thought that nobody
: had seen her Wishy Bear and nobody cared about it -"
: 可以修修如下:
: “Disappointed and depressed April left, weeping at the thought that nobody
: had seen her Wishy Bear and nobody cared about him -"

哈~~该我谢才是~~ 又发了5个~~ MM修改建议很好~

【在 h******v 的大作中提到】
: wow,这么快!谢~
觉得你的Wishy Bear叫Wish Bear可能更好。
好比美国很有名的Care Bears,没有叫它们Caring Bears.

【在 s*****a 的大作中提到】
: 哈~~该我谢才是~~ 又发了5个~~ MM修改建议很好~
: 第一次写英文故事,也不知道咋样,心里没底~~呵呵~~

有道理~ 刚查了,还有叫Cheer Bear Share Bear的, 在想这个bear叫啥名的时候也纠
结了一阵,不知道有没有wishy这种用法。嗯这样看来Wish Bear比较合适些。

【在 h******v 的大作中提到】
: 觉得你的Wishy Bear叫Wish Bear可能更好。
: 好比美国很有名的Care Bears,没有叫它们Caring Bears.

刚发现,Wish Bear是Care Bears中的一种。。~~ 不知道重名会不会有问题或者引起歧

【在 h******v 的大作中提到】
: 觉得你的Wishy Bear叫Wish Bear可能更好。
: 好比美国很有名的Care Bears,没有叫它们Caring Bears.
