2 楼
8% raise is not much after tax even if you have a high base salary; getting two
raises per year is quite common; having too much idle time will only turn you
into a person who's less competent.
What's the point of showing off while someone else fells the pain to butt for
not being compensated as s(he) deserves.
raises per year is quite common; having too much idle time will only turn you
into a person who's less competent.
What's the point of showing off while someone else fells the pain to butt for
not being compensated as s(he) deserves.
如何向老板辞职公司头疼的琐事今天见识了老美的虚伪 (转载)我和我老板的那些事儿 (二十)年底年初是不是换工作的旺季从contractor跳槽到客户那里的机会有多大?有人在弯曲做 .NET, 想换工作的吗?contractor 工资怎么定的呀?怎么谈offer? (转载)发帖看看多少人愿意给姜波捐款打官司尼玛,刚才1小时给我忙的。。。帖一个逆天的H1B被裁,公司是不是必须给买回国的机票Apple的淘汰率是不是很高啊?我和我老板的那些事儿 (十九)职场难题请教!不同degree的CPT如果超过一年还能申请OPT吗?CEO vs Chairman (转载)请教前辈们美国企业蔑视效率,因脱产人员太多敢接这样的OFFER吗? (转载)