When I look at my own country the United States, it is a semi-democratic, white-dominated, hierarchical racist society, that aims to preserve privilege by the elites. That's how it was formed in 1787.
“美国是一个蓄奴的、执行种族灭绝的国家,为了延续白人文化而屠杀印第安原住民。令人惊讶的是,今天的美国看上去还是老样子,尽管我们的社会确实比过去更加多元化。” It was a slave-owning, genocidal country, killing native Americans for a white culture. But amazingly, it still looks that way, although we're much more diverse now than we were.
I want to point out that, these are deep cultural distinction. But we shouldn't just simplify. The most violent country in the world since 1950 has been the United States.
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