(居家办公) 英中译者招募

(居家办公) 英中译者招募


Privacy & Data Security Secondee/Contract
What’s it all about?
At Wise, our rapidly expanding customer base trusts us when it comes to their Privacy and data security and our in-house Privacy team is growing. We’re now looking for a Privacy and Data Security Secondee/Contract staff, to assist the Privacy team in translating and summarising China cybersecurity and privacy legislations. This role will assist the Privacy team in supporting the business and other team members globally to ensure Wise meets its commitments to our customers, regulators and employees.

This opportunity will give you the opportunity to learn and develop professionally. You’ll work closely with your Wise team and learn by doing. You will also understand the Wise way through lots of opportunities to learn about our business and how it works.

This role will be in Singapore to co-locate with other APAC members of the Wise Legal team.
This role will allow working from home remotely within China.

In your 6 months, you’ll:
-Assist in translating China cybersecurity and privacy legislations and standards into English.
-Conduct extensive research on topics on privacy and data security.
-Assist in drafting summaries of privacy and data security requirements.
-Participate in the research and development of application scenarios related to data security and privacy.

What You’ll learn
-Deep understanding of China privacy and data security regulations
-About the privacy and data security landscape and sector specific domain and privacy policies, particularly as they apply to FinTechs
-How privacy and data security interplay with business needs
What You’ll Bring To The table:
-Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity / Computer Science / Computer Engineering / Information Technology or related fields
-Fluent in both English and Mandarin.
-Good understanding of cybersecurity technical terms
-Excellent writing and research skills
免费入群, 获取投递说明

更多机会, 更先掌握


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