


Online & In-person Conference

November 12th-13th, 2022

We cordially invite you to join the 28th TCFA Annual Conference. This TCFA signature event provides an outstanding platform for industry leaders, academic experts, regulators, and TCFA members to share thoughts on sustainable investments under multiple global crises. This year’s conference features a number of top experts and thought leaders, who will focus their discussions on the following particular topics: Latest developments in Web3 and Cryptocurrency; China economics outlook and investment opportunities; Global economic outlook and investment opportunities; ESG new economy and global wealth management.


This year we started with our first hybrid annual conference since the pandemic: we will have our online session on Nov 12th and in-person session on Nov 13th, streaming across international platforms, time zones, and national boundaries.


Conference Registration (会议注册):

Please register the Conference here:

  • For US users:

Or scan the code:

  • For Chinese users:

Or scan the code:


Saturday: TCFA members free; non TCFA member $40.

Sunday: Early bird price $70 until Nov. 5th; Normal price $100 for TCFA member&non TCFA members

Please register as a TCFA member here ($40 for a lifetime membership):


The following distinguished panelists have been confirmed or invited to join the conference. The list is growing and subject to changes as more speakers are coming to our conference.

Notes: Fordham campuses require that all visitors 6 months of age and older should hold a proof of vaccinations to access the campuses.



11/12/2022 (Saturday evening EST) online 线上


7:00pm – 7:10pm


Dr. Shawn Fan, President-Elect, TCFA; Head of solutions and research, Legal & General China

7:10pm – 7:40pm


Helen Huang, China CEO of Fidelity International, Invited

7:45pm – 8:30pm

SESSION: Latest Developments in Web3 and Cryptocurrency

Moderator: Dr. Hao Wu, former TCFA President; Managing Partner of Sino-Century Investments and co-Founder of DKB Fund

  • Feng Xiao (肖风), Chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain, Founder of HashKey Digital Asset Group, Fenbushi Capital and PlatON

  • Glen Ge (葛奇), Founder and Chairman of Clouder Power Technology

  • Kevin Yang, Managing Partner at Gate Ventures

  • Nangeng Zhang, Chairman and CEO of Canaan Inc.

8:35pm – 9:20pm

SESSION: China Economic Outlook

Moderator: Dr. Henry Mo, 首席经济学家, Corebridge Financial

  • Haizhou Huang, Board of Director, CICC

  • Gene Ma, 首席中国经济学家, IIF

  • Xiangrong Yu, 首席中国经济学家, Citi

9:25pm – 10:10pm

SESSION: China Investment

Moderator: Robin Hu, Broad Resource investment CEO

  • Hao Hong (洪灏), 首席经济学家, Grow investment group

  • Xiaotian Hou (侯晓天), founder 天灏资本TH Capital

  • Xiaobo Xu (徐晓波), CEO 锐天量化

  • Stephan Zhou (周晟),COO and CFO 鸣石投资

11/13/2022 (Sunday EST) in-person 线下

@Fordham University Business School

9:00am – 9:30am Conference registration

9:30am – 9:40am        


Dr. Shawn Fan, President-Elect, TCFA; Head of solutions and research, Legal & General China

9:40am – 10:10am

Dr. Michael Spence, 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
Introduction and moderator: Dr. Chenyang Wei, Former TCFA President and Chairman, Associate Dean, Tsinghua Institute for FinTech Research


SESSION: Global Economic Outlook

Moderator: Wenzhe Zhao, Board Director TCFA, Credit Suisse全球经济学家

  • Ray Farris, 首席经济学家 and CIO Americas, Credit Suisse

  • Claudia Sahm, founder of SAHM Consulting, former Federal Reserve and White House 经济学家

  • Charles Tan, Co-Chief Investment Officer Global Fixed Income, Senior Vice President, American Century Investments

  • Jim Costello, Head of Real Estate Economics, MSCI

11:10am – 12:00pm

SESSION: Global Investment Opportunities

Moderator: Cai Lan, Deputy CIO, PBUCC & UCF

  • Jerry Wang, CEO Hi2 Global

  • Gang Hu, Founder and CIO of WinShore Capital

  • Seamon Chan, Founding Partner of Palm Drive Capital

  • Jingjiang Peng , Portfolio Manager at a leading Quant hedge fund

12:00pm – 1:30pm 

Lunch Break(Lunch is provided)

1:30pm – 2:20pm  

SESSION: ESG New Economy

Moderator: Mei Gao, Partner, IDG Capital

  • Huifeng Chang (张慧峰), CFO, Canadian Solar

  • Chao Yan, Chairman , Princeton NuEnergy INC

  • Dr. Chris Xu, Chairman , Healthbanks Group

  • Simon Zhao, Chairman, Solarever Group

2:25pm – 3:15pm

SESSION: Global Wealth Management

Moderator: Joy Zhang, ED MSCI

  • Gengsheng Lu, ED Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management

  • Abner Qu, CEO, Global Pacific Securities

  • Arnold Chu, Principal Examiner, Federal Housing and Finance Agency

  • Marian Tong,Founding Partner at Aves Lair

  • Wilfred Daye, CEO Securitize Capital

3:20pm – 3:50pm

TCFA board and president election

Chair: Li Liu, Director Citi Group

此次线下活动特别感谢Fordham University提供场地和支持。

About TCFA

Twenty-eight years ago, TCFA was founded as a non-profit organization comprised of professionals, policymakers, and scholars in finance and related fields who have a strong interest in China’s financial and economic development. Today, headquartered in New York City, TCFA has over 9,000 members globally with chapters in Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Charlotte, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto, London, Paris, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 

Please visit our website for further details including conference agenda, speaker biographies, and job fair information. We want to express our sincere gratitude towards our long-term sponsors, advisers, board, executive team, and volunteers who have helped to make our events possible. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!


TCFA Management Team


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