






本日,Meta CEO马克·扎克伯格在致员工的一封信中表示,公司将裁员13%,并控制预算缩小办公区,冻结招聘延长到2023年第一季度




“Today I’m sharing some of the most difficult changes we’ve made in Meta’s history. I’ve decided to reduce the size of our team by about 13% and let more than 11,000 of our talented employees go. We are also taking a number of additional steps to become a leaner and more efficient company by cutting discretionary spending and extending our hiring freeze through Q1.

I want to take accountability for these decisions and for how we got here. I know this is tough for everyone, and I’m especially sorry to those impacted.

How did we get here?

At the start of Covid, the world rapidly moved online and the surge of e-commerce led to outsized revenue growth. Many people predicted this would be a permanent acceleration that would continue even after the pandemic ended. I did too, so I made the decision to significantly increase our investments. Unfortunately, this did not play out the way I expected. Not only has online commerce returned to prior trends, but the macroeconomic downturn, increased competition, and ads signal loss have caused our revenue to be much lower than I’d expected. I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.

In this new environment, we need to become more capital efficient. We’ve shifted more of our resources onto a smaller number of high priority growth areas — like our AI discovery engine, our ads and business platforms, and our long-term vision for the metaverse. We’ve cut costs across our business, including scaling back budgets, reducing perks, and shrinking our real estate footprint. We’re restructuring teams to increase our efficiency. But these measures alone won’t bring our expenses in line with our revenue growth, so I’ve also made the hard decision to let people go.

How will this work?

There is no good way to do a layoff, but we hope to get all the relevant information to you as quickly as possible and then do whatever we can to support you through this.

Everyone will get an email soon letting you know what this layoff means for you. After that, every affected employee will have the opportunity to speak with someone to get their questions answered and join information sessions.

Some of the details in the US include:

Severance. We will pay 16 weeks of base pay plus two additional weeks for every year of service, with no cap.

PTO. We’ll pay for all remaining PTO time.

RSU vesting. Everyone impacted will receive their November 15, 2022 vesting.

Health insurance. We’ll cover the cost of healthcare for people and their families for six months.

Career services. We’ll provide three months of career support with an external vendor, including early access to unpublished job leads.

Immigration support. I know this is especially difficult if you’re here on a visa. There’s a notice period before termination and some visa grace periods, which means everyone will have time to make plans and work through their immigration status. We have dedicated immigration specialists to help guide you based on what you and your family need. 

Outside the US, support will be similar, and we’ll follow up soon with separate processes that take into account local employment laws.

We made the decision to remove access to most Meta systems for people leaving today given the amount of access to sensitive information. But we’re keeping email addresses active throughout the day so everyone can say farewell.

While we’re making reductions in every organization across both Family of Apps and Reality Labs, some teams will be affected more than others. Recruiting will be disproportionately affected since we’re planning to hire fewer people next year. We’re also restructuring our business teams more substantially. This is not a reflection of the great work these groups have done, but what we need going forward. The leaders of each group will schedule time to discuss what this means for your team over the next couple of days.

The teammates who will be leaving us are talented and passionate, and have made an important impact on our company and community. Each of you have helped make Meta a success, and I’m grateful for it. I’m sure you’ll go on to do great work at other places.

What other changes are we making?

I view layoffs as a last resort, so we decided to rein in other sources of cost before letting teammates go. Overall, this will add up to a meaningful cultural shift in how we operate. For example, as we shrink our real estate footprint, we’re transitioning to desk sharing for people who already spend most of their time outside the office. We’ll roll out more cost-cutting changes like this in the coming months. 

We’re also extending our hiring freeze through Q1 with a small number of exceptions. I’m going to watch our business performance, operational efficiency, and other macroeconomic factors to determine whether and how much we should resume hiring at that point. This will give us the ability to control our cost structure in the event of a continued economic downturn. It will also put us on a path to achieve a more efficient cost structure than we outlined to investors recently.

I’m currently in the middle of a thorough review of our infrastructure spending. As we build our AI infrastructure, we’re focused on becoming even more efficient with our capacity. Our infrastructure will continue to be an important advantage for Meta, and I believe we can achieve this while spending less.

Fundamentally, we’re making all these changes for two reasons: our revenue outlook is lower than we expected at the beginning of this year, and we want to make sure we’re operating efficiently across both Family of Apps and Reality Labs. 

How do we move forward?

This is a sad moment, and there’s no way around that. To those who are leaving, I want to thank you again for everything you’ve put into this place. We would not be where we are today without your hard work, and I’m grateful for your contributions.

To those who are staying, I know this is a difficult time for you too. Not only are we saying goodbye to people we’ve worked closely with, but many of you also feel uncertainty about the future. I want you to know that we’re making these decisions to make sure our future is strong.

I believe we are deeply underestimated as a company today. Billions of people use our services to connect, and our communities keep growing. Our core business is among the most profitable ever built with huge potential ahead. And we’re leading in developing the technology to define the future of social connection and the next computing platform. We do historically important work. I’m confident that if we work efficiently, we’ll come out of this downturn stronger and more resilient than ever.

We’ll share more on how we’ll operate as a streamlined organization to achieve our priorities in the weeks ahead. For now, I’ll say one more time how thankful I am to those of you who are leaving for everything you’ve done to advance our mission.










而这,只不过是个开始。有人在Blind上爆料,Meta最初计划短期内裁员 15-20%,今天只有13%,据说Meta下一轮裁员可能在下周三,幅度2-5%。这是目前的计划,但很可能会因抗议等原因改变。从长远来看,Meta将通过 PIP、自然减员、小规模裁员等各种方式减少总人数,直到 2023 年底......




1. 自2021年10月,Facebook更名Meta以来,股价下跌了约70%;

2. Meta大力投资元宇宙,这一巨额赌注在2022年已花费Meta 94亿美元,公司预计亏损“将逐年显著增长”。


1. 尽管Meta没有对裁员及资本支出进行直接点评,但其首席战略官表示资本支出的控制将形成竞争优势;

2. 果不其然,Meta股价迅速回暖。






而马斯克不但毫无歉意,就连Twitter的裁员邮件都狂野很多,题目"Your Role at Twitter" ,内容"Today is your last working day at the company",“今天是你在公司的最后一天”。



















现在新增33家公司,帮同学拓宽上岸思路!公司概况、投递link、WLB情况ALL IN。







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脸书母公司Meta裁员1.1万人,扎克柏对那些人很抱歉!大厂暴力裁员!马斯克放话Twitter先裁75%,Meta班车司机都丢饭碗了失业危机!Amazon、Meta、Twitter、Redfin等纷纷裁员,震动下的西雅图失业保障有哪些?扎克伯格认错,Meta裁员1.1万人,网友叹:分手费很大方!突发!硅谷血腥裁员!推特、Meta、微软接连寒冬!留学生要找不到工作了....创造裁员历史! Meta连夜裁万人, Twitter超半数连锅端, 美国梦碎…Meta裁员1.1万人,扎克伯格认错,股票回涨狠过推特,Meta裁员1.1万人!硅谷人紧急抱团取暖!Twitter正式启动蓝勾勾付费制 | 拜登突向Twitter发难!李易峰丁丁历险记扎克伯格承认豪赌元宇宙失利,裁员1.1万人,Meta股价大涨美丽与野性共存的冰川国家公园(2)高线步道的美丽,野性与挑战十五的月亮十六圆(歌)史无前例!Facebook母公司Meta裁员超1.1万人,71万工资补偿都是小意思…数百万人投票赞成马斯克辞职,马斯克:Twitter 没有接班人,这个“烂摊子”没人想接!与糖共舞—26Meta、Twitter接连大裁员,股价将大涨!?早报 | 重庆中医院不等核酸结果抢救黄码老人;俄罗斯宣布从赫尔松部分地区撤军;Meta裁员1.1万人,小扎承认判断失误血腥裁员!Meta、推特、谷歌、微软疯狂“砍人”!华人、留学生找工作惨了…推特老赖?被爆拖欠租金并将拍卖家具? 黑五后家具折扣最大的竟然是twitter???小扎认错,Meta裁员1.1万人,网友叹:分手费很大方!马斯克抱洗手池进Twitter,要求特斯拉工程师审查Twitter代码。。。Meta裁员1.1万人 股价收涨暴力裁员75%!世间再无Twitter!触摸美国 55 游艇梦全面审查Twitter代码、当场炒掉CEO等众多高管:马斯克正式入主Twitter郑州致市民:每一个你,始终是我们砥砺前行的动力香港人和台湾人港铁吵架!被骂的却是内地人......早鸟报|亚马逊计划推出独立的体育应用程序;马斯克承认入主Twitter初期犯错;Meta元宇宙发展不妙未得回报......Facebook母公司Meta裁员1.1万人,股票应声上涨马斯克称Twitter可能破产;Meta暴裁1.1 万人,小扎承认犯了错;GitHub年度报告:印度开发者增速超中国 | Q资讯Meta裁员13%超1.1万人;柯南最新剧场版定档;苹果 iOS 正式更新国民主持翻车成这样,挨骂不冤又来,没完没了了还!Meta裁员1.1万人,留学生们还好吗?Twitter创始人道歉、Meta即将大裁员,科技巨头终为“快”付出代价