「简报」铭记受托人 Geln de Vries,为生命庆祝;机器学习模型课预测多发性硬化症患者在居家期间的健康状况
2022 年 10 月 28 日星期五,卡耐基梅隆大学的校友和受托人 Glen de Vries 去世将近一年后,家人、朋友和 CMU 社区成员聚集在校园里,纪念他的一生。演讲者包括 CMU 校长 Farnam Jahanian、CMU 董事会主席 David Coulter、梅隆科学学院 Glen de Vries 院长 Rebecca Deorge、大学发展副主席 Scott Mory、一直有保持密切关系的生物科学系副教授 Jonathan Jarvik、CMU 受托人 Tamara Tunie、de Vries 的父亲 Alan de Vries 和他的母亲 Madeline Hopper。
“与 Glen 在一起的日子一直充满着他的活力和对生活的热情。“ Jahanian 说道,“这些年来,我们都对 Glen 产生了深厚的感情,对他对梦想的热情以及他每天为实现这些远大抱负的努力深感敬佩。Glen 对于 CMU,对于科学发现和对于整个世界的影响,怎么强调都不为过。他留下了一个几乎无法填补的空白。“
On Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, almost a year after his death, family, friends and members of the CMU community gathered on campus to commemorate de Vries' life. Among the speakers at the Celebration of Life were CMU President Farnam Jahanian; Chair of the CMU Board of Trustees David Coulter; Rebecca Doerge, the Glen de Vries Dean of the Mellon College of Science; Vice President for University Advancement Scott Mory; Jonathan Jarvik, an associate professor of biological sciences who had remained close with his former student; CMU Trustee Tamara Tunie; de Vries' father, Alan de Vries; and his mother, Madeline Hooper.
"To be in Glen's presence was to be immersed in his exuberance and his zest for life," Jahanian said. "We all developed a deep affection for Glen over the years, and a profound admiration for his passion for dreaming big, as well as his commitment to live those bold ambitions every day. Glen's influence on CMU, on scientific discovery and on the entire world, cannot be overstated. He has left a void that will be nearly impossible to fill."
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由卡耐基梅隆大学领导的研究项目开发了一个新模型,可以准确预测在像 COVID-19 疫情期间的居家隔离,对有慢性神经系统疾病的人(比如多发性硬化症)的心理健康有什么影响。来自 CMU、匹兹堡大学和华盛顿大学的研究人员在疫情之前和早期便开始收集数据,主要来自于 MS 患者的智能手机和健身追踪器。他们使用被动收集的传感器数据构建了机器学习模型,以预测居家期间的抑郁、疲劳、睡眠质量差和 MS 症状恶化的发生。
Research led by Carnegie Mellon University has developed a model that can accurately predict how stay-at-home orders like those put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic affect the mental health of people with chronic neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis.
Researchers from CMU, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Washington gathered data from the smartphones and fitness trackers of people with MS both before and during the early wave of the pandemic. Specifically, they used the passively collected sensor data to build machine learning models to predict depression, fatigue, poor sleep quality and worsening MS symptoms during the unprecedented stay-at-home period.
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