





  (6) 金属材料力学位错理论基本研究。


欢迎有材料、机械、力学、应用物理以及其他工程科学背景的申请者联系,联系方式[email protected]。开始时间可以是2023年1月、5月、或者9月。申请博士生的同学请注意多伦多大学的语言要求 (ibt93 (writing 22; speaking 22) or ielts 7.0 (6.5 must be achieved in each component))。博士后可以随时开始。联系时请附上英文简历,成绩单, 发表论文(或毕业论文)和简单的研究兴趣描述。系里截止日期以后如果感兴趣也欢迎联系。博士后申请者请附上最有代表性的2-3篇代表性论文。


open positions
zou research group (laboratory for extreme mechanics & additive manufacturing) in the department of materials science and engineering (mse) at the university of toronto has several open positions for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and visiting scholars.

research interests: our group uses novel experimental, analytical, and computational tools to explore materials with extreme properties or under extreme conditions particularly metallic materials. we aim to bridge the gaps between metals, mechanics, manufacturing and machine learning (4m’s), covering many length and time scales. among our research areas of interest are high-entropy alloys, nanomechanics, and additive manufacturing (3d printing). in particular, we want to advance fields of vital importance to society, including the aerospace, biomedical, electronic, environmental, and energy sectors.

the pi: dr. yu zou joined the mse department at u of t as an assistant professor in january 2018, after working as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of mechanical engineering at mit (usa). he received his doctorate, master, and bachelor degrees from eth zurich (switzerland), mcgill university (canada), and beihang university (china), respectively, all in materials science, and he was also a jsps visiting scholar at kyoto university (japan). his research areas include physical metallurgy, nanomechanics, microstructural analysis, metal additive manufacturing and materials informatics. google scholar, research gate, orcid).

the team: currently, the team includes 2 postdoctoral researcher, 13 phd students, 4 students, and 3 visiting phd students.
open positions: we are currently looking for highly motivated students and postdoctoral researchers who enjoy working in a collaborative environment to join our group starting in january, may, or september. we welcome researchers with backgrounds in materials science, mechanical engineering, physics, electrical engineering, and related fields, particularly in physical metallurgy, mechanics, and instrumental design. current openings (with full scholarships) are listed below: 

·       mechanical and thermal stability of nanostructured high-entropy alloys
·       in-situ mechanical testing at small scales and in extreme conditions
·       3d printing of steels, aluminum, copper, titanium alloys for aerospace and biomedical applications
·       instrumental design for a laser 3d printing system
·       machine learning for materials design and intelligent manufacturing
·       design of wear, erosion and corrosion resistant coatings
·       discovery of high-entropy alloys by high throughput experiments
·       fundamental studies of mechanical behaviour of materials

if you would like to join us, please contact prof. zou ([email protected]) and include your cv, a brief statement (a short paragraph) of your interests related to our research, and examples of your recent work. postdoctoral applicants should also attach your most important publications. availability changes frequently according to project needs and funding; however, we are always ready to meet the most outstanding candidates from all fields and areas of expertise!

for graduate student positions, the u of t application deadline for summer/fall 2023 is january 31, but you are strongly encouraged to contact the above email address for the open positions before the deadline, because the positions may be filled before the deadline. please make sure you meet the minimum admission requirements at u of t. for postdoctoral researcher and visiting student (scholar) positions, please make contact by email for possible research projects and available fellowships as early as possible.

about u of t: founded in 1827, the university of toronto has evolved into canada’s leading institution of learning, discovery and knowledge creation. we are proud to be one of the world’s top research-intensive universities, driven to invent and innovate. the times higher education ranks u of t at 18th globally and 1st in canada in 2018/2019.

about mse at u of t: the department of materials science & engineering is home to approximately 200 undergraduate students, 80 graduate students, and 30 faculty and staff. as a world leader in materials applications and processing, our commitment to research and teaching excellence fosters innovative thinking, leading to the development of sustainable technologies that make a global impact.




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