亞美會主辦 楊捷新年音樂會12月17日隆重舉行

亞美會主辦 楊捷新年音樂會12月17日隆重舉行


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In December 17th, the famous violinist Professor Jie Yang’s  New Year Concert , sponsored by the Asian American Association of Boston, and co-sponsored by the World Music Academy, will be held in the Weston 99 Castle Concert Hall. As a famous conductor and musician in Boston, Professor Yang has been in charge of conducting live orchestras on various formal occasions, and played various classic violin repertoires for countless audiences, spreading the art of classical music to everyone in the community corner.

It is reported that in this concert, not only musicians from all over the world joined in and performed live; Professor Yang Jie even decided to make bold and innovative changes in the performance style, striving to bring an exciting performance to the audience. A refreshing New Year's concert.


楊捷,指揮家,小提琴家,中國山東南山音樂學院音樂總監,小提琴教授,大波士頓亞裔青少年交響樂團藝術總監,常任指揮,創建人。作為音樂教育家,帶領亞裔青少年交響樂團為大波士頓地區的音樂文化交流,推廣中國音樂做出了傑出貢獻。2021 年又創建了萊剋星頓弦樂學院,為社區培養了一大批音樂人才。楊捷畢業于中國瀋陽音樂學院小提琴專業,歷任中國大連交響樂團,遼寧交響樂團首席。他曾在紐約的卡內基音樂廳,新英格蘭的喬丹音樂廳,皮克曼音樂廳,南卡羅來那的庫克音樂中心,匈牙利布達佩斯皇家音樂廳演奏,他曾指揮過中國,歐洲,北美很多交響樂團,他的小提琴碩士畢業于巴德大學郎吉音樂學院,他的交響樂指揮博士畢業于南卡羅來那大學音樂學院。楊捷的小提琴老師有著名的傳奇小提琴家 Eric Rosenblith, Romn Toteberg. Emmuel Borok.


Jie Yang, conductor, violinist, violist, and educator. Music director and Violin Professor of Nanshan Conservatory, Yantai, Shandong, China. Artistic director and founder of Greater Boston Asian American Youth symphony Orchestra which encourages community involvement and cultural awareness between the Western and Asian music traditions through outreach performances. As an activist and educator who is deeply committed to furthering community connection and educational goals, he founded the Lexington String Academy to champion collaboration, arts leadership, and creativity in youth JieYang served as the Concertmaster of Dailan Symphony Orchestra and Liaoning Symphony Orchestra in China. He has appeared in recitals at Carnegie Hall, Jordan Hall, Pickman Hall, Koger Center for the Arts, and Royal Palace Danube, Hungary. He has conducted and performed in China, Europe, and North America. He received his Bachelor Degree in Violin Performance from Shenyang Conservatory, China, Master’s Degree in Violin Performance majoring, viola, minor, and Graduate Performance Diploma from Bard College, Longy School of Music. A Doctoral of Master in Art, DMA in Orchestral Conducting from University of South Carolina. Jie has studied with renowned artists and legendary violinists: Eric Rosenblith, Roman Totenberg, Emmuel Borok.  He also studied Viola with Patricia McCarty.

節目單 Playlist

《新春樂New Year's Eve 》  

By: 茅沅 Yan Mao
《夏夜Summer Night》  

By: 楊善樂Shanle Yang
《慶豐收Celebrate the harvest》

By: 張靖平Jingping Zhang
《流浪Zigeunerweisen 》

By: 薩拉薩特Sarasate

《梁祝Buterfly lovers 》

By: 陳綱,何占豪Gang Chen, Zhanhao He
《豐收漁歌Harvest Fishing Song》 

By: 李自立Zili li
《前奏與快板Preludium and Allegro》 

By: 克萊斯勒Kreisler
《陽光照耀塔什庫爾幹Sun Shine over Tashikolgan 》

By: Gang Chen陳綱

活動詳情 Information

Dec 17th, 2022 15:00-18:00

99 Westcliff Rd, Weston, MA 02493

票價 Price

VVip Sponsor $60

Vip $50 

Basic $20  

購票方式 Ticket Method

預購請至亞美會生活沙龍(盛雄莊藥房內) 70 Kneeland St, Boston, MA 02111,或至現場購票


For Pre-order please Visit AAAB Life Salon at 70 Kneeland St, Boston, MA 02111, or purchase ticket on-site.

小紅書賬號 | 波士顿亚美联谊会

Facebook | Asian American 

Association of Boston

Twitter | @AAABoston


電子郵箱|[email protected]     

辦公地址 | 70 kneeland st, Boston, MA, 02111


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