



Taihu Lake, dubbed the “mother of the Wu area”, has nourished the 7,000-year rice farming culture and Wu culture of China. The lake area is famous worldwide for its abundant resources like tea, silk, fish and rice, and thriving tourism. The establishment of the Suzhou Taihu National Tourism Vacation Zone in 1992 put the area on a fast track to prosperity.



Over the past 30 years, the government of Suzhou has worked hard to improve the environment here, by, for example, planting trees to conserve water and soil, building the Taihu Hubin Wetland Park to give birds a home, and removing nearly 27 square kilometers of fishing nets from the lake to preserve biological resources. 

Other efforts have also been put in to make the water around Sanshan Island crystal clear and improve the quality of life in the area. The Taihu Lake Ecological Island was created. Today, Taihu Lake is so appealing and in harmony with its surroundings that tourists flock to it in a never-ending stream.



The zone has taken multiple measures to promote the integrated use of its cultural and tourist resources. Specifically, this includes tapping into “big platforms” to improve resource utilization; riding the “big social media wave” to make its attractions more popular; and pushing forward “big projects” such as the Manshan Island project. 
The purpose is to promote “mega integration” of resources to accelerate the fusing of agriculture, culture, sports and tourism industries, and realize coordinated brand building, operation, management and publicity of the scenic spots.



Innovation is the strongest driver of development. Under the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the zone aims to promote sci-tech innovation. So, it is working with leading enterprises to launch promising industrial projects. 
And it is creating and investing in tech companies and cooperating with fund management teams to facilitate asset securitization. 
Also, it is cultivating sci-tech innovation platforms and pursuing more efficient use of State-owned assets. Additionally, many policy incentives have been instituted to optimize the environment for businesses.


Since the beginning of launching our business, I and the other founders of CVTE had been dreaming about building an industrial park in a place with beautiful natural scenery. 
CVTE Suzhou is our first industrial park outside Guangzhou. This is a beautiful place, and for a young company like CVTE and a team with most members being tech professionals, the excellent environment here is a morale booster.

营口金辰机械股份有限公司董事长李义升表示,落户太湖度假区有两个原因, 第一是太湖度假区的产业规划,它对智能制造、绿色制造以科技强企的这样的一个产业定位。第二是因为太湖度假区专业的招商工作给我们留下了深刻的印象。对太湖度假区的华东总部的建设有助于金辰公司在拓展华东的业务以及为客户提供更贴身的服务方面产生很大的这个作用,助力企业由生产型制造向服务型制造转型。

We chose the Suzhou Taihu National Tourism Vacation Zone for two reasons. The first reason is its industrial planning, which embraces intelligent, green manufacturing and enterprises that rely on technology to strive for strong development. 
Second, the investment promotion here has impressed us deeply. The East China headquarters to be set up in the zone will allow Jinchen Corp to expand operations in East China and greatly improve our services for clients. It will help accelerate our transformation from product-oriented manufacturing to service-embedded manufacturing.



To give Wuzhong district a leg up in developing into the “most beautiful place in heavenly Suzhou”, the zone is implementing its “due-wheel driving” strategy for stronger development relying on the cultural tourism industry and sci-tech innovation.
The aim is to become a “green ecology innovation and practice demonstration zone” with an excellent environment, robust cultural tourism and other thriving industries.


The high-level development of the green economy that the zone has achieved over the past three decades has proved that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”. 

The zone has set an example of coordinating national environment improvement with economic and social development, and become a pioneer and model in China, and even the world, for green development.



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