哈佛新校长:黑人+女性,名字是gay ——这就是非常正确的人

哈佛新校长:黑人+女性,名字是gay ——这就是非常正确的人



Claudine Gay will be the first person of color and second woman in Harvard University's 386-year history to serve as president.

哈佛大学官宣克劳丁·盖伊(Claudine Gay)将成为哈佛大学第30任校长。盖伊因此成为哈佛大学386年来第一位黑人校长以及第二位女校长,同时也是常春藤高校联盟(Ivy League)中的第一位黑人校长。



My parents are Haitian immigrants, they came to the United States over 50 years ago, my mother actually came to the US as an au pair for a French American family living in the Boston suburbs, she eventually moved to New York to join her mother and her siblings.


My father went directly to New York and proceeded to earn an engineering degree from the City College of New York. My mom eventually became a registered nurse.


And when I went to college, I went with the expectation from my family that I would pursue a major that's very closely connected to the kinds of jobs that existed in their universe, so I was either going to be an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer.


A lot of my decision-making as an undergraduate was really sharply structured around those kinds of expectations, the idea of eventually becoming an academic,


it was not even something that was in the range of choices that were presented to me as possibilities.


One of the ways in which my experience as the daughter of Haitian immigrants has influenced the approach that I take to teaching and mentoring is that I often work with students who are either first generation or also from immigrant families,


and they come into college with clear expectations about the choices they're supposed to make.


Part of my role as a faculty member and as a mentor is to respect the sort of the hopes and dreams of many people often rest on the shoulders of these students,


and that I'm not only engaging with the students, but I'm probably engaging with the students' family;


it's possible to pursue not only educational choices that are legible to your family and that provide a sense of economic security, but also to pursue your intellectual passions.


I think bringing that kind of sensitivity to my interactions with students is something that's so deeply influenced by my own experience as the daughter of Haitian immigrants.


One of my greatest passions in my time in the role as dean of social science for the last 3 years has been nurturing what is the Inequality in America Initiative,


and the initiative itself in the first instance is motivated just by the growing recognition of the problem of inequality and the broad impacts it has on everything, from individuals to families to neighborhoods to entire societies.


So there is a real-world urgency that really calls for our engagement on this issue,


but is also the initiative that has been motivated by the sense that while the study of inequality and teaching about inequality has been really a core strength for Harvard and for the FAS,


in particular for some years that there's actually a lot more that we could be doing in this space; we actually joined collaboratively and define the study of inequality as a collective enterprise.


Over the last 3 years, I viewed my position as an opportunity to have this passport that allows me to go and visit anthropology, attend seminars, and understand what motivates and excites anthropologists,


and then the next day visit economics and attend a job talk to learn what motivates and excites economists, and now with this role, it is as if I'm stepping from the balcony to a rooftop view,


and really being able to survey the full rich diversity of the FAS and learn more not only about what's happening in social sciences,


but now also what excites classicists in arts and humanities or to learn more about engineering.


I would also say that one of the things that's tremendously rewarding about being in this kind of position is that you have the opportunity to shape and support the faculty,


and so the opportunity to bring to our campus the best minds across a variety of fields and to help set the conditions that allow them to do their best work, and I find that to be incredibly rewarding.



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