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(杭州 | 图源:中国杭州官方推特)



(新华报道德薇女子学校的学生为中国朋友画爱心贺卡 | 图源:新华社)









Why do Hangzhou children donate pocket money to Sri Lankan children 

Recently, a group of kids from the Caihe No.3 Primary School in Hangzhou, China donated their pocket money of RMB 100,000 (LKR 5 million) to 1,000 Sri Lankan students from low-income families for further studies and getting through the difficulties in economic crisis.

"Caihe" means "picking lotus" in Chinese. 

Hangzhou is a beautiful city famous for its lotus flowers, and Hangzhou West Lake is an iconic, symbolic sight in Hangzhou and is regarded as one of the most beautiful sights in China. At the same time, lotus is also the favorite flower of Sri Lankans.

Why do Hangzhou children donate pocket money to Sri Lankan children far away in the Indian Ocean? We got in touch with the teachers and children of Hangzhou Caihe No. 3 Primary School. Below are their feedbacks.

Xia Ruize: I donated my pocket money. I hope that the conditions of the children in Sri Lanka could be better and they can go to school comfortably. In my impression, the children in Sri Lanka are very artistic. I hope the Sri Lankan children of our age can give full play to their talents. 

Also, I wish the epidemic end as soon as possible, so they can travel to China, especially to our Hangzhou City, which is about to host the Asian Games.

Chen Linyu: I donated my pocket money to  Sri Lankan students from low-income families. The COVID epidemic has caused a bad impact on the world economy. My mother happens to be a doctor. I know that medical supplies would be in short supply.  Sri Lanka is a Buddhism country and has a good relationship with Chinese people. I learned from the news that this year is the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka. Wish the friendship between the two countries last forever and Sri Lanka become stronger and stronger.

Chen Haocun: I believe helping others also helps yourself and make you a better person. Although we are students from different countries, we have a good friendship. 

In 2020 I participated in the International Painting Competition in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankans are very friendly. Wish students in Sri Lanka study good and face life in a positive way. Don't be discouraged by the difficulties. Everything will be fine!

Sun Yanqi: China was once a country went through hardship. Although I am too young to experience that hardship which happened long ago, I can imagine the helplessness. So I think we should lend a helping hand if we could. Chinese TV reports that Sri Lankans are very sincere and friendly. When people from our country go to live and work in Sri Lanka, they treat them with their most sincerity. Please believe in yourselves and become stronger! Wish you wealthy and prosperous in the future!

This is not the first time link between Caihe No. 3 Primary School in Hangzhou, China, and Sri Lanka.  In 2020, When Sri Lanka was facing a severe COVID situation and lockdown . Caihe students conveyed care and warmth through artistic creation. 

At that same time they jointly wrote a letter to Sri Lankans, in which revealed concern and encouragement for Sri Lankan kids of their age.

The letter is excerpted as below:

"We created a lot of paintings and calligraphy works, and we want to express wishes to unite with the Sri Lankan children through these works. We have an old saying in China that 'the stars only twinkle in the dark'. The education we received from childhood is that Sri Lankans are good friends of our Chinese. At the beginning of the COVID epidemic in China, Sri Lankans gave us a lot of encouragement and help, which we will never forget. 

We Chinese believes 'Receiving drips of water when in need, and I shall return the kindness with a spring.'  We are here to express our gratitude! At this critical moment, we will also support and help you!

When the epidemic passes by, we sincerely invite the chidren of Sri Lanka to come to Huangzhou and visit our school. We wish to enjoy lotus flowers in the West Lake with you,  hopefully when the lotus blossoms.


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