"作为一个三十五岁的女人,我看起来非常像一个成年人,我有着自己的事业、家庭和丈夫。我的家里还配有洗碗机、洗衣机和冰箱。如果按照这些来判断,成年人就是我,确定无疑了。 但当我在一个星期六、打开厨房垃圾桶,发现盖子上满是蛆虫时,我却像一个孩子一样无助,立马打电话给我妈妈求助。"
Nigel David McKail Ritchie-Calder:
毕业于剑桥大学,一生都献给了科普事业。除了担任New Scientist编辑外,他构思并编写了 13 部关于科普主题的纪录片和系列剧,由BBC和第 4 频道播出,并在 1972 年获得了卡林加科普奖。2004年,他的著作《魔法宇宙》还入围了安万特科学图书奖。
Alun Mark Anderson:
就读于牛津大学,在New Scientist担任过近8年的主编,他出版了《冰之后:新北极的生死与地缘政治》,讲述了气候变化对北极地区野生动物和原住民的影响,为北极研究作出巨大贡献。
Bernard Dixon:
生物学博士,在New Scientist工作十年,积极参与社会活动。因为对生物学作出特别贡献,获得了英国生物学研究所的特许奖,2000年,他因对科学新闻事业的贡献而被授予大英帝国勋章(OBE) 。
Michael Ronald John Kenward:
在New Scientist工作十一年,同样因为对科学新闻事业的贡献而被授予大英帝国勋章(OBE) 。
*图源:New Scientist
◾ 来源:《新科学家》New Scientist
◾ 标题:Humans couldn't pronounce 'f' and 'v' sounds before farming developed
◾ 时间:March, 2019
◾ 原文链接:
Humans couldn't pronounce 'f' and 'v' sounds before farming developed
New Scientist
14 March 2019
Human speech contains more than 2000 different sounds, from the ubiquitous “m” and “a” to the rare clicks of some southern African languages. But why are certain sounds more common than others? A ground-breaking, five-year investigationshows that diet-related changes in human bite led to new speech sounds that are now found in half the world’s languages.
More than 30 years ago, the linguist Charles Hockett noted that speech sounds called labiodentals, such as “f” and “v”, were more common in the languages of societies that ate softer foods. Now a team of researchers led by Damián Blasi at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has pinpointed how and why this trend arose.