©作者 | 李逸清
单位 | 宁波大学本科生
研究方向 | 计算机视觉
本来打算寒假学学 CUDA,在 github 上找些项目研究一下,然后碰到一个超好玩的东西——一个可视化的 CUDA 解谜项目!
Implement a "kernel" (GPU function) that adds 10 to each position of vectora
and stores it in vectorout
. You have 1 thread per position.
def map_spec(a):
return a + 10
def map_test(cuda):
def call(out, a) -> None:
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 1 lines)
return call
SIZE = 4
out = np.zeros((SIZE,))
a = np.arange(SIZE)
problem = CudaProblem(
"Map", map_test, [a], out, threadsperblock=Coord(SIZE, 1), spec=map_spec
函数处# FILL ME IN (roughly 1 lines)
的地方,补全代码就可以了。这里其他创建 block 什么的我们都不需要干,已经为我们搭建了一个 block 中的四条 thread,然后只需要每个 thread 执行的时候只给数组对应 thread 编号的位置进行处理,这样就实现了并行操作。
只是提示需要完成的工作,写CUDA不能像下面这样直接调用,The puzzles only require doing simple operations, basically +, *, simple array indexing, for loops, and if statements.out[local_i] = map_spec(a[local_i])
out[local_i] = a[local_i] + 10
然后 check 一下结果,通过还可以有奖励猫狗视频(哈哈哈哈可爱)。
Implement a kernel that adds together each position of a
and b
and stores it in out
. You have 1 thread per position.
out[local_i]=a[local_i] + b[local_i]
Implement a kernel that adds 10 to each position of a and stores it in out
. You have more threads than positions.
if local_i < 4:
out[local_i] = a[local_i] + 10
Implement a kernel that adds 10 to each position of a
and stores it in out
. Input a
is 2D and square. You have more threads than positions.
现在在第三题的基础上更进一步(贴近现实),thread 的编号变成了 2D 的,我们需要处理的 list 也变成了矩阵了。
def map_2D_test(cuda):
def call(out, a, size) -> None:
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
local_j = cuda.threadIdx.y
# FILL ME IN (roughly 2 lines)
return call
SIZE = 2
out = np.zeros((SIZE, SIZE))
a = np.arange(SIZE * SIZE).reshape((SIZE, SIZE))
problem = CudaProblem(
"Map 2D", map_2D_test, [a], out, [SIZE], threadsperblock=Coord(3, 3), spec=map_spec
if local_i < 2 and local_j < 2:
out[local_i, local_j] = a[local_i, local_j] + 10
Implement a kernel that adds a
and b
and stores it in out
. Inputs a
and b
are vectors. You have more threads than positions.
if local_i < 2 and local_j < 2:
out[local_i, local_j] = a[local_i, 0] + b[0, local_j]
Implement a kernel that adds 10 to each position of a
and stores it in out
. You have fewer threads per block than the size of a
Tip: A block is a group of threads. The number of threads per block is limited, but we can have many different blocks. Variable cuda.blockIdx
tells us what block we are in.
现在我们终于接触到了 block 层级,因为硬件的原因每个 block 的数量是死的,但是我们可以通过调用不同多个 block 来对更多的 thread 进行操作。
所以现在的问题就是更常见的,数组的长度要大于单个 block 里的 thread 数量的情况(在这个问题里,每个 block 有 4 个 thread,而数组长度是 9,我们可以调用 3 个 block 的资源)。
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 2 lines)
if i < 9:
out[i] = a[i] + 10
Implement the same kernel in 2D. You have fewer threads per block than the size of a
in both directions.
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 4 lines)
if i < 25:
x = i // 5
y = i % 5
out[x, y] = a[x, y] + 10
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 4 lines)
j = cuda.blockIdx.y * cuda.blockDim.y + cuda.threadIdx.y
if i < 5 and j < 5:
out[i, j] = a[i, j] + 10
Implement a kernel that adds 10 to each position of a
and stores it in out
. You have fewer threads per block than the size of a
Warning: Each block can only have a constant amount of shared memory that threads in that block can read and write to. This needs to be a literal python constant not a variable. After writing to shared memory you need to call cuda.syncthreads
to ensure that threads do not cross.
这一题就是关于 block 内部缓存的使用,先把a
数组里的一部分数据放到这个 block 内部的存储里(每个线程需要 call cuda.syncthreads
),再通过访问 block 内部存储得到out
shared = cuda.shared.array(TPB, numba.float32)
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
if i < size:
shared[local_i] = a[i]
# FILL ME IN (roughly 2 lines)
if i < size:
out[i] = shared[local_i] + 10
Implement a kernel that sums together the last 3 position of a
and stores it in out
. You have 1 thread per position. You only need 1 global read and 1 global write per thread.
好家伙,这是直接来写池化层了么,但是提供了池化的算法应用一下就可以了(这里不用 shared 也可以过样例)。
shared = cuda.shared.array(TPB, numba.float32)
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 8 lines)
if i < size:
shared[i] = a[i]
for k in range(3):
if i-k >= 0:
out[i] = out[i] + shared[i-k]
Implement a kernel that computes the dot-product of a
and b
and stores it in out
. You have 1 thread per position. You only need 2 global reads and 1 global write per thread.
Note: For this problem you don't need to worry about number of shared reads. We will handle that challenge later.
shared = cuda.shared.array(TPB, numba.float32)
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 9 lines)
if i < size:
shared[i] = a[i] * b[i]
if i==0:
for k in range(size):
out[0] = out[0] + shared[k]
# Dot
Score (Max Per Thread):
| Global Reads | Global Writes | Shared Reads | Shared Writes |
| 10 | 8 | 8 | 1 |
Implement a kernel that computes a 1D convolution between a
and b
and stores it in out
. You need to handle the general case. You only need 2 global reads and 1 global write per thread.
def conv_spec(a, b):
out = np.zeros(*a.shape)
len = b.shape[0]
for i in range(a.shape[0]):
out[i] = sum([a[i + j] * b[j] for j in range(len) if i + j < a.shape[0]])
return out
数组有多余的话就不管。shared = cuda.shared.array(TPB_MAX_CONV, numba.float32)
if local_i < b_size:
shared[TPB + local_i] = b[local_i]
if i < a_size:
shared[i] = a[i]
acc = 0
for k in range(3):
if i+k < TPB:
acc =acc + shared[i+k] * shared[TPB+k]
out[i] =acc
就会出 bug,也不知道为啥。
然后这个代码到用例 2 就过不了。。。估计因为 shared 没考虑好,然后另外一个问题就是,卷积核刚好涉及到两个 block 的数据,另外b_size
shared = cuda.shared.array(TPB_MAX_CONV, numba.float32)
if local_i < b_size:
shared[TPB + local_i] = b[local_i]
if i < a_size:
shared[local_i] = a[i]
acc = 0
for k in range(b_size):
if i+k < a_size:
if local_i + k < TPB:
acc =acc + shared[local_i+k] * shared[TPB+k]
acc =acc + a[i+k] * shared[TPB+k]
out[i] =acc
Implement a kernel that computes a sum over a
and stores it in out
. If the size of a
is greater than the block size, only store the sum of each block.
就是求一下前缀和,比如1 2 3 4 5
对应1 3 6 10 15
Algorithm 1: Shorter span, more parallel
Circuit representation of a highly parallel 16-input parallel prefix sum.
Hillis and Steele present the following parallel prefix sum algorithm: [9]
With a single processor this algorithm would run in O(nlog n) time. However if the machine has at least n processors to perform the inner loop in parallel, the algorithm as a whole runs in O(log n) time, the number of iterations of the outer loop.
Algorithm 2: Work-efficient
Circuit representation of a work-efficient 16-input parallel prefix sum.
cache = cuda.shared.array(TPB, numba.float32)
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
# FILL ME IN (roughly 12 lines)
cache[local_i] = 0.
if (i < size):
cache[local_i] = a[i]
ix = 1
while (ix != TPB):#ix can only reach TPB//2
if local_i % (ix*2) == 0:
cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + ix]
ix *= 2
out[cuda.blockIdx.x] = cache[0]
Implement a kernel that computes a sum over each column of a
and stores it in out
cache = cuda.shared.array(TPB, numba.float32)
i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x
batch = cuda.blockIdx.y
# FILL ME IN (roughly 12 lines)
if local_i < size:
cache[local_i] = a[batch, local_i]
ix = 1
while (ix != TPB):
if local_i % (ix*2) == 0:
cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + ix]
ix *= 2
out[batch, 0] = cache[0]
Implement a kernel that multiplies square matrices a
and b
and stores the result in out
Tip: The most efficient algorithm here will copy a block into shared memory before computing each of the individual row-column dot products. This is easy to do if the matrix fits in shared memory. Do that case first. Then update your code to compute a partial dot-product and iteratively move the part you copied into shared memory. You should be able to do the hard case in 6 global reads.
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