九大投行|Credit Suisse(US)2024暑期实习招聘启动,可转正
即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态
在Credit Suisse暑期实习项目的过程中,你将通过持续的培训不断学习和发展,并在Credit Suisse的夏季演讲中聆听来自各个部门经验丰富的高级员工的意见。
招聘职位 …
开放职位:2024 Investment Banking Summer Analyst Program 学历要求:在2024年12月或2025年5月/6月从大学毕业 持续时间: 9周 截止日期:2023年9月1日 23:59,滚动录取
责任领域 …
As a Summer Analyst, you will have the opportunity to work on deals in your assigned industry or product group, gain hands-on experience and work on all aspects of advising and transacting business for our clients. You will participate in a formal review at the mid and end points of the summer, and Full-Time Analyst offers will be announced after the program to individuals identified as outstanding performers.
Our industry and product groups include: Energy & Transition; Financial Institutions*; Financial Sponsors; Global Industrials; Healthcare, Life Sciences & Biotech*; Latin America Coverage*; Leveraged Finance Origination; Media & Telecom; Mergers & Acquisitions; Real Estate, Gaming * Lodging*; Retail & Consumer; Technology; and Ultra-High Net Worth.
*Indicates group specific hiring (direct placement). All other groups participate in a matching placement process in the spring semester leading up to the internship.
The locations and groups hiring Summer Analysts include:
New York: All Groups
Chicago: Business Services, Industrial Services & Mobility/Automotive
Houston: Energy & Transition
Los Angeles: Sponsors and Gaming
San Francisco: Life Sciences & Biotech, Technology
申请要求 …
Demonstrate the skills and attributes you bring to this program. Tell us how your experience, character and vision connect with the responsibilities required and prospects we offer. Show us that you have:
Familiarity with Excel, PowerPoint and Word
A confident, ambitious outlook and the ability to work effectively under pressure
A willingness to cooperate collaboratively and also to work independently on your own initiative
Exceptional organizational skills and a precise, efficient approach to your work
Excellent interpersonal skills and proven reliability
A willingness to go above and beyond
Dedication to fostering an inclusive culture and value diverse perspective
Language requirement for Latin America Coverage Group Only: Spanish proficiency required
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👉九大投行|J.P. Morgan(US)2024暑期实习招聘开启,24/25届均可投
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