九大投行 | Credit Suisse全职岗位开放招聘,专业培训

九大投行 | Credit Suisse全职岗位开放招聘,专业培训




即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态



Credit Suisse


招聘职位 …

  • 开放职位:2023 Global Trading Solutions – Macro Solutions Off

  • 工作地点:London

  • 截止日期:Ongoing


  • Our Off-Cycle Internship Program is a paid internship that runs for 6 months in Spring 2023 and is open to students requiring a 6-month placement as part of their degree, or 2022 graduates who are interested in gaining an insight into Investment Banking Markets. As an intern you will be working with the Macro Solutions desks and integrated as a regular member of the group. Roles will be available in Trading, Structuring and Sales; please note any specific role preference in your cover letter.

  • The first week consists of hands-on training, and throughout the program interns receive ongoing training and support including formal learning, on-the-job practice, and mentoring.

  • The program offers opportunities to meet with senior managers, colleagues and peers at all levels across the bank. You will have the opportunity to gain insights into the bank and its culture, to and build a professional network.

  • Your managers will work with you on objectives, and on a review process. This provides structure to your placement and gives you an outline of placement requirements and goals. This practice also gives us a tangible framework for assessing you for a full-time position. The off-cycle internship is a core hiring channel for our full-time Macro Solutions Analyst class.

任职资格 …

  • A Bachelors or Masters degree in a quantitative discipline or equivalent, graduating in 2022/23

  • Strong macro / fixed income product knowledge.

  • Understanding of structuring, risk and pricing.

  • Ability to concisely summarize and explain information to others, including clients.

  • Exhibits good organizational skills in the context of managing own activities and supporting those of relevant teams.

  • Ability to analyze routine problems in a systematic manner using established quantitative processes and tools.

  • Has positive attitude towards change; supports the application of new approaches. Accepts feedback and learning opportunities.

  • Fully complies with the bank's code of conduct and all applicable laws, regulations and policies. Is diligent, disciplined and organized in her/his work: meets deadlines, strives for high quality, has complete documentation.

  • Is responsive to clients' needs and colleagues' requests. Communicates clearly and uses concise explanations.

  • Assumes accountability for tasks and results. Supports and helps when requested. Is an engaged team member and has a positive attitude towards team work.

  • Has developed a sound knowledge base in areas of expertise. Effectively applies knowledge to deliver solutions that fit the purpose and are feasible. Identifies and understands the different aspects of a problem. Provides actionable, thought-out solutions to problems.


发送关键字  0223 九大投行



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