九大投行 | Citi IBRC Analyst岗位开放申请,两次轮岗
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花旗银行(Citibank)是花旗集团旗下的一家零售银行,其主要前身是1812年6月16日成立的“纽约城市银行”(City Bank of New York),经过近两个世纪的发展、并购,已经成为美国最大的银行之一,也是一家在全球近一百五十个国家及地区设有分支机构的国际大银行,总部位于纽约市公园大道399号。
招聘要求 …
开放职位:IBRC Full Time Analyst
工作地点:New York
岗位介绍 …
IBRC is a critical and growing part of Citi, focused on identifying, measuring, monitoring and mitigating the key risks impacting our Institutional Clients businesses, including our lending, banking and services organizations as well as the functional groups who support them, and leveraging data to understand and articulate potential issues and trends. The IBRC Analyst will play an important role working together with more senior IBRC professionals and business and operations teams, and participating in risk and controls focused projects or assignments.
We're committed to teaching you the ropes. The Institutional Clients Group IBRC Analyst Program provides development-focused roles coupled with structured training, mentoring, networking and professional development opportunities to help you build your career and prepare to be a future leader in the Institutional Clients Group. During the 30 month program, you will experience two unique rotations across the following areas: Cross Institutional Client Groups, Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citi Commercial Banking, Markets, Operations, Institutional Credit Markets, Security Services and Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory.
任职要求 …
You are a dynamic individual looking for an exciting career with opportunities for professional growth
You have strong analytical and problem-solving skills
You are on track to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in any major in winter 2022 or spring 2023
You have obtained a preferred GPA of 3.3 or above
You can work with MS Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint
Passion for clients and for being part of a winning team
Desire to positively impact the broader community
High level of energy and enthusiasm
Demonstrated leadership potential
Ability to influence others
Entrepreneurial in nature-Self-starter
Enjoy story-telling through data
Ability to move concepts into action
Seeks opportunity to make an immediate impact
Strong teamwork skills
Respect for diversity of thought and experiences
Intellectual curiosity
Analytical thinker
Project management skills.
发送关键字 0411 九大投行
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