




  • 1 【万豪白金简介】

  • 2 【企业白金会籍挑战】

  • 3 【Terms】

  • 4 【总结】




  • 免费早餐或者行政酒廊使用权益(早餐、下午茶、欢乐时光等)

  • 级房型最高至套房

  • 延迟退房

  • 额外积分奖励50%




或者,你也可以通过将以下 URL 末尾的 XXX 替换为你公司的名称来查看你的公司是否符合条件:


比如说,这个是 google 的页面:



  • Google

  • Facebook

    (FB 需要访问

  • Salesforce

  • 等等


这个是 Google 的term,其他公司应该也是一样的。

  • This offer is for Alphabet/Google employees and may only be attempted once every 3 years.

  • A company email address must be used to be eligible. You must open the email sent to the company email address and “Confirm” eligibility to complete registration.

  • Participation in this offer is by invitation only.

  • Existing Marriott Bonvoy ™ members with base membership, Silver Elite or Gold Elite status are eligible for this promotion; members with Platinum Elite status are ineligible for this offer.

  • Enrollment in Marriott Bonvoy (new members) or registration in Marriott Bonvoy (existing members) is required to be eligible for this offer.

  • For new members: receive automatic Marriott Bonvoy Platinum Elite status upon enrollment or for existing members of Marriott Bonvoy receive automatic Platinum Elite status upon registration. Enrollment and registration is not complete until the email address is confirmed. Status upgrades may take 24-48 hours before appearing in the member profile.

  • Platinum Elite status will be provided between 6/3/2022 and 9/30/2022, during which time member will need to make 15 paid nights to retain Platinum Elite status for up to one year. After the first year, Platinum Elite status will be retained by staying the required number of nights under the terms of the Marriott Bonvoy program.

  • If new member does not make 15 paid nights between 6/3/2022 and 9/30/2022, member will be downgraded to membership level which corresponds to number of nights stayed: Member tier for 0-9 nights stayed, and Silver Elite status for 10-24 nights stayed.

  • Existing members who do not make 15 paid nights between 6/3/2022 and 9/30/2022 will revert to their member level prior to this promotion.

  • Nights stayed prior to enrollment are not eligible for this offer.

  • A ‘stay’ is defined as consecutive nights spent at the same hotel, regardless of check-in/check-out activity.

  • Credit toward this promotion is given for paid night stays on a qualifying rate with participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels which occur within the earning period.

  • For a list of current Marriott Bonvoy participating brands, visit

  • Only one room per hotel is counted toward a member’s nights or stays.

  • Paid nights at a qualifying rate count towards the promotion. Nights spent while redeeming an award are ineligible and do not count towards the promotion. View the Marriott Bonvoy Terms & Conditions for more detail on Qualifying and Non-Qualifying Rates.

  • Marriott Vacation Club owner-occupied weeks are not eligible for credit.

  • Elite benefits vary by brands and are based on availability.

  • Customer must be a recipient of the targeted promotion communication to receive this offer.

  • Offer is non-transferable. Offer is valid for one-time use.

  • This promotion is subject to modification, cancellation, or limitation at Marriott’s discretion, with or without notice.



拿到白金会籍,再配合 🔗万豪酒店卡的史高开卡奖励来了,开卡就送5个Free Night!的最新5张 Free Night 开卡奖励,就可以快快乐乐旅游啦。


万豪酒店卡的史高开卡奖励来了,开卡就送5个Free Night!


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