继去年南湾一系列收容所计划之后,最近圣克拉拉县政府又计划在Santa Clara, Sunnyvle交界的亚裔聚集区和华人非常喜欢的几所私立小学附近拟建流浪汉收容所。最可怕的是,这次准备搭建的是无门槛收容所,正式开启了南湾居民区无门槛收容所的第一站,对整个南湾治安和生活环境威胁极大。
收容所的位置在Lawrence & Benton 交叉口,这一小片空地,以往每年万圣节都会变成五彩缤纷的充气游乐园+南瓜地,很多家庭应该都记得那个高高的Lightning Mcqueen充气滑梯。而现在,Santa Clara 县联合Santa Clara市准备把这里变成一个214间、收容上百人的4层楼高集装箱式的Homeless shelter!对入住者没有任何门槛,确认入住者过半将有精神问题、吸毒史和犯罪记录!
3月9日晚5点,Earl Carmichael Park集合社区游行 ; 鼓励自行制作标语牌 3月9日晚6点,Mission City Church最后一场听证会
没打印机的小伙伴,也可以手写“I strongly oppose Benton Shelter” (可以自己加理由,也可以不加),签名+地址+Print Name →拍照 →发到同一邮箱
Cupertino Library 3月4日5日 周六/周日 11am-3pm
Cupertino Ice Center 周六 10-11am, 2-3:30pm
Wolfe上的大华超市 周五 3-6pm
Raynor Park 周六
Earl Carmichael Park
Central Park
2. 在自己的社区分发传单,或在朋友圈宣传!
County Supervisor:
Susan Ellenberg
(408) 299-5040
Otto Lee
[email protected]
City council member:
Kevin Park - will be re-elect 12/24
Karen Hardy
Kathy Watanabe - will be re-elect 12/24
Raj Chahal
Suds Jain - will be re-elect 12/24
Anthony Becker - will be re-elect 12/24
Lisa Gillmor -Mayor
Too close to 24 schools and daycares. Serious safety concern. We oppose no prior research having been done on the impact of this shelter to the neighborhood. 80-100 rooms are too many for this tiny land. We oppose a shelter accepting people with criminal history and drug issues. We oppose no screening procedures. We oppose people with mental issues living in this shelter. We oppose tiny removable homes, instead of concrete buildings. No plans for management, no guarantee for neighborhood safety and quality of life. We oppose this shelter with a 1:100 staff/homeless ratio, and only volunteers onsite to treat mental illness. This shelter is only 0.5 miles from another shelter, Bella Vista. No research and evidence can show LifeMoves’s MTV shelter succeeds in reducing the homeless population, and improving the homeless's mental issues.
I request you provide 300+ questions the attendees entered in chats during the first hearing meeting, and your answers. I request you provide the date, time and location of the April meetings among LifeMoves, city and county staff to discuss community feedback. and I request that info be shared to the public. and we all get notifications of the meetings. I request that the County also set up a zoom meeting for the in person meetings, so that people like me who need to take care of kids at home, can also participate. I request you provide research/study on how an interim/emergency shelter impacts the neighborhood. I request you provide a solid plan for the steps to ensure the neighborhoods are safe and secure. and a detailed plan for funding and leading the effort? I request plans on how you are making sure young kids and students are safe walking to schools. I request a plan on how to solve the potential problems on parking and traffic given that 80-120 units will be introduced to an already overcrowded neighborhood. I request you to plan to address the increased police funding and numbers needs, given the tremendous increase in population.How will community's safety be endured? What's your plan and city's plan? How can you ensure homeless people can be well-behaved? Are there any regulations for the occupants in the shelter? If they break the regulation, what's the penalty? What’s the weapon policy? How can you make sure they do not have weapon with them?
Will the city increase its police force?
What's their move-in process look like? How many days can they stay? Will they be allowed to get out of the shelter?
Who will be sent to this shelter? Will it only for Santa Clara City's homeless, or homeless from anywhere can come and live here?
How will the maximum 240 homeless people be managed? By whom? Where does the funding come from?
Cupertino Library 3月4日5日 周六/周日 11am-3pm Cupertino Ice Center 周六 10-11am, 2-3:30pm Wolfe上的大华超市 周五 3-6pm Raynor Park 周六 Earl Carmichael Park Central Park
最重要的,County确认了:City对此类shelter的选址和方案一直都是有投票表决权的!所以是时候联系市长和市议员了(名单在前面)!告诉他们你反对,如果他不能代表你say no,你会把他选下去!即便距下届选举还有一段时间,你也可以recall他!
LifeMoves VP Brian Greenberg提供了更多设计细节。收容所从第一次听证会说的80-120间变成了214间。确定会是一栋4层的高层建筑(如果真建起来,会是周围最高的一栋庞然大物,现在旁边的Kaiser医院也仅三层)。
收容标准依然Low barrier,Greenberg原话是“We(LifeMoves) prefer to take the most challenging elements of the population”。
整场听证会上,他反复强调”We prefer it to be very low barrier entry”,决心非常大,与此同时只字不提low barrier对居民区的压力和安全隐患。
County 的presentation非常令人失望,完全是一副销售员sales pitch的模样,把项目说的全是优点没有缺点。第一次听证会上民众提的300多个问题依然没有公示、解答潦草敷衍、避重就轻、顾左右而言他。对民众提到的安全顾虑完全没有回应
更甚,第一次听证会上county和LifeMoves没有一个人知道附近有多少学校。这次听证会居然还是不知道附近多少学校,号称1.5 miles 以内只有四所学校而已。(看一下地图触目惊心。该址处于Sunnnyvale/Santa Clara中心地带,周围紧邻大片居民区。周围1 mile之内至少有10间中小学、18间家庭或机构托儿所、2个孩童玩耍的公园、1个游泳俱乐部。最近的Davya Daycare 仅相距200米(700ft),知名私校Stratford Pomoroy校区也仅在400米之外)
7. Santa Clara City 的警探Graig Deger的发言稍显暧昧,间接表示了他对未来治安的担忧。
8. 表现同样糟糕的是两位市议员 Kevin Park 和 Karen Hardy. Kevin说了一遍又一遍自己是engineer,基本就是在PUA居民们给他提供解决方案(完全忘记了这是拿着纳税人钱的自己的本职工作)。
类似的San Jose无门槛收容所
该址处于Sunnnyvale/Santa Clara中心地带,周围紧邻大片居民区。周围1迈之内至少有10间中小学、18间家庭或机构托儿所、2个孩童玩耍的公园、1个游泳俱乐部。然而,项目负责小组自称自2021年6月起“进行了6次调研“,在听证会上被居民问”你们知道这个地点周围有多少学校吗?“的时候,竟然没有一个人知道(现场回答截屏如下)其调研质量及对居民切身利益和安全的关心程度,可见一斑!
更令人担忧的是,仅在700米之外,另一个流民收容所Bella Vista在去年悄悄地通过已经在建、即将开业!据2021年数据,Santa Clara市流民共769人,57%有严重的精神问题,90%有涉及毒品。想象一下这样的流民即将随时可能出现在你的家门口、公寓门前、公园里和孩子的学校周围,你还有什么理由不行动起来呢?!