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Doctoral programme outline

IDEAL PhD is a doctoral fellowship programme led by Fundación IMDEA Nanociencia and co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND programmes to attract 12 talented predoctoral researchers in two open calls to undertake a PhD research project in any of the programmes at the Institute:

P1           Nanotechnology for energy harvesting

P2           Quantum materials at the nanoscale

P3           Nanotechnology for healthcare

P4           Nanomagnetism for Information and Communication Technologies

P5           Ultrafast phenomena at the nanoscale

P6           Nanotechnology for critical raw materials and sustainability.

The IDEAL PhD programme aims to boost the careers of first stage researchers offering them an innovative, truly interdisciplinary and intersectoral training in nanoscience and nanotechnology, in connection with international and industrial partners.

IMDEA Nanociencia offers a highly competitive world–class research environment within the UAM-CSIC Cantoblanco Campus of International Excellence (CEI) in Madrid, Spain. With a diverse research staff of >210 (18 nationalities; gender balance m/f, 58:42; ave. age 34.5) the fellows will be joining a dynamic research environment. Doctoral candidates will receive a well-balanced research independence and mentoring from an experienced scientific and management team as well as access to infrastructure of the highest level for the pursuit of their projects.

Call for applications now open

Application deadline: 10 April 2023 (17:00 CET)

In this first call for applications, 6 MSCA PhD fellowships will be offered to outstanding doctoral candidates for the duration of 3.5 years (42 months) to undertake a PhD project in nanoscience and nanotechnology at IMDEA Nanociencia, in Madrid.

full list of PhD projects is published on the IDEAL PhD website. Applicants are able to freely choose a PhD project and associated supervisor that fits their individual research interest.

Eligibility criteria

  • Mobility requirements: Following the MSCA mobility rule, candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 3 years before the call deadline.

  • Degree certificates: Candidates must have completed the studies that lead to an official university degree that gives access to doctoral studies.

  • Research experience: Candidates must be doctoral candidates, i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the time of the call deadline. Language: applicants must have a B2-equivalent or higher level of English.

How to apply?

To apply please visit and register on the IDEAL PhD Fellowship Programme website. Please read carefully the Guide for Applicants before submitting your application.


IDEAL PhD fellows will be hired on a full-time standard employment contract for the maximum duration of 3.5 years (42 months) to undertake their PhD research project, complying with the Spanish legislation for the performance of doctoral studies.

Through their contracts, fellows will have access to maternity/paternity, retirement, family benefits, and unemployment benefits. Fellows and their families will have access to public health care coverage and medical assistance.

Fellows will receive a living allowance (covering salaries, social security contributions, taxes and other costs included in the remuneration), a mobility allowance (mobility costs to take up the position) and a family allowance (to cover additional costs per dependent child after checking eligibility).

IMDEA Nanociencia will manage other research and travel costs available for the fellows to cover costs directly related with the development of the projects and necessary for the successful execution and travel costs associated with the researchers training and networking and to cover relevant expenses in secondments.

  • Average annual gross salary of € 24,600

  • Mobility allowance of € 2,400 (paid over the first 12 months, included in average salary).

  • Research, and travel costs up to € 900/month (managed by the institution)

  • Family Allowance of € 100 per month per child (up to 2 children)

Researchers with disabilities are supported and an MSCA Special Needs Allowance will be applied for to cover any additional costs that researchers with disabilities face due to the increased costs of their mobility.

IMDEA Nanociencia will provide support to fellows during the integration and their stay (visa requirements, general info, and family orientated support). Furthermore, fellows can also take advantage of the agreements in place with the Cantoblanco Campus support network to access on-campus accommodation, sports and cultural activities. Nursery and primary schools based on campus have priority for local workers.


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