


The Central Government in 2019 announced the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), paving the way for the development of the GBA. To promote Hong Kong’s integration into the country's development, the National 14th Five-Year Plan clearly supports the development of “eight centers” in Hong Kong. But what exactly are these “eight centers”? Let’s follow our drone and find out in one minute!


The “eight centers” include the continued development of Hong Kong's “four traditional centers”, namely the international financial center, international maritimecenter, international trade center, and center for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region.


Under the principle of “one country, two systems”, Hong Kong retains independent financial and legal systems and enjoys the distinctive advantages of having strong support of the Motherland while being well connected globally. With its highly sophisticated logistic and legal services, as well as an open and transparent business and financial environment, the city is renowned for being a gateway between China and the rest of the world.


The 14th Five Year Plan also states for the first time that Hong Kong will enhance, establish and develop “four emerging centers”, namely international aviation hub, international innovation and technology (I&T) center, regional intellectual property (IP) trading center, and East-meets-West center for international cultural exchange.


As the first stop for many visitors to Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is the key entry point to the city. With the opening of the third runway in 2022 as a prelude to a new Three-runway System in 2024, HKIA will welcome more passengers and strengthen the city’s position as an international aviation hub.


Located in Sha Tin, New Territories, the Hong Kong Science Park has over 18,000 people in its community. Together with the Cyberport in Pokfulam on the southern side of Hong Kong Island, which is home to over 1,900 start-ups and technology companies, the I&T incubation platforms continue to push the boundaries for Hong Kong as an international I&T hub and nurture the next generation of talent.


To facilitate the development of the I&T industry, Hong Kong aims to become a regional IP trading hub that helps safeguard the fruits of intellectual creation, including offering IP training to 5,000 practitioners from different sectors within five years. With the protection of inventors’ rights and interests, the city will be able to better attract the world’s “best brains” looking to fulfil their aspirations.


Searching for a blend of Chinese and foreign cultures? Don’t miss the West Kowloon Cultural District, where Hong Kong Palace Museum, Xiqu Centre, M+, Art Park and more are located. This is where Eastern and Western cultures meet and mingle, allowing you to see the best of world-class art within a 30-minute walk.


The development of the “eight centers” allows Hong Kong to further enhance its function as a “super-connector”, participate more deeply in the domestic and international economic circulation, and stimulate Hong Kong’s growth.



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