5月27日 星期六 9:30-11:00 RELO TESOL Master Class在线讲座5.4

5月27日 星期六 9:30-11:00 RELO TESOL Master Class在线讲座5.4






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Dear English teachers, 

Thank you for your continued support to Regional English Language Office (RELO) at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. We are pleased to offer the fifth series of TESOL Master Class Webinars which will address English teaching in middle school under the new curriculum standards and the "Double Reduction" policy with the theme of “Teaching for Excellence under Education Policy Changes” led by, the English language specialist, Dr. Nancy Yi-Cline.  

This series will consist of six 90-minute live webinars taking place from April 8 to June 17, 2023, which aims to provide professional and practical guidance on the newly published Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standards for middle school English teachers in China.  

Drawing on her own extensive experiences in a variety of roles both in China and the US: a university education program instructor, a district instructional coach, and a classroom teacher, and guided by student-centered, authentic, and cooperative learning principles, Dr. Yi-Cline will delve deep into specific areas such as integrated unit and lesson planning, student engagement, and assessment so that all students develop English language proficiency and cultural competency simultaneously. Ample authentic examples will be given and guided exercises involving the participants will be conducted during each session to help enhance the effectiveness of this webinar series.  

The 4th session will be held at 9:30-11:00 am Beijing time on May 27, 2023. Please see details below for more information about the topic and the presenter. 

Title: Assessment for Learning 

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. This session first briefly explores summative assessments.  It will then explore in depth formative assessments for learning, including project-based learning and portfolio assessment. 

Webinar Schedule 

Speaker Bio: 

Dr. Fenglan Nancy Yi-Cline serves as a Multilingual Learner Specialist in Seattle Public Schools while working as a Teaching Associate at the University of Washington and as an instructor at Seattle University. She holds a Doctor of Education degree in Language, Literacy, and Culture from the University of Washington. Dr. Yi-Cline has years of experience in a variety of important roles in education: a university instructor and instructional coach in teacher education and ELL endorsement programs, a district teacher mentor in in-service professional development, a school building leader for multilingual learners, and a classroom teacher. Her vast experiences not only span multilingual education at the university, district, and classroom levels in the US, but also English as a foreign language education at the secondary and university levels in China; they give her unique insights in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Dr. Yi-Cline has presented frequently in international, national, regional, and local conferences. She believes in meaningful, engaging, and culturally sustaining pedagogy, and seeks effective humanizing strategies to help students develop language, literacy, critical thinking, and global communication skills.  



The Regional English Language Office works through the Public Affairs Sections of the US Embassy and US Consulates to create and implement projects and programs related to English language teaching methodology by providing training opportunities, expertise and materials. The RELO Office in Beijing is one of 26 such offices around the world and is coordinated by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. For more information, see:


Follow us on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina. 


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