EducationUSA线上讲座:到美国学习公共卫生专业的 “N” 个理由,7月1日,星期六,上午 9:30-11:00

EducationUSA线上讲座:到美国学习公共卫生专业的 “N” 个理由,7月1日,星期六,上午 9:30-11:00


EducationUSA Virtual Session:Top Reasons to Study Public Health in the United States
EducationUSA 线上讲座:到美国学习公共卫生专业的 “N” 个理由 

2023年7月1日(星期六), 上午 9:30-11:00 am(北京时间)    
July 1st, 2023 (Saturday), 09:30-11:00 am (Beijing Time)   

线上参加 Zoom Link: 

线上参加Zoom ID: 889 3231 3282 


Event Details: 

This program will be conducted in both English and Chinese

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines public health as “The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging health through the organized efforts of society.” Do you want to learn more about what you will learn in public health programs in U.S. universities? Do want to know what graduates can do after earning public health degrees? EducationUSA will host a virtual panel featuring a public health admissions officer, faculty, a current student from the University of Louisville, and an alumnus from Cornell University to share their knowledge, experience, and insights. Come join the panel to find out the top reasons to study public health in the United States. We welcome your participation! 



世界卫生组织 (WHO)将公共卫生专业定义为预防疾病,延长寿命并促进健康的科学与艺术。大家想了解公共卫生专业的设置与申请要求吗?大家想了解如何到美国学习公共卫生专业以及未来的就业方向与前景吗?EducationUSA特邀来自美国路易斯维尔大学的公共卫生专业招生官,教授以及在读学生,毕业于康奈尔大学公共卫生硕士专业的校友和大家一同分享他们的知识,经验和见解!让我们加入他们共同发现到美国学习公共卫生专业的 “N” 个理由。欢迎大家参加! 


Deepti Jain
Deepti Jain is the Senior Admissions Coordinator for the University of Louisville (UofL) School of Public Health & Information Sciences. She has been overseeing admissions and recruitment for the school since 2018 for both undergraduate and graduate public health programs. She has over ten years of experience working with international students and serves on the UofL International Recruitment Committee formed to centralize UofL’s international recruitment initiatives, UofL’s Pre-Health Symposium Committee, and was recently elected to serve at the Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) SOPHAS & Recruitment Advisory Committee (SRAC). 

Dr. Maiying Kong  
Dr. Kong is a faculty in the Department of Bioinformatics & Biostatistics at the School of Public Health & Information Sciences. She has BS and an MS in Computational Mathematics from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Indiana University, Bloomington. Her current research interest is to study and develop appropriate statistical methods to compare the effectiveness of different treatments and procedures based on observational data such as Medicaid data and electronic health record data. Her other current research interest is to study and develop statistical methods for high-dimensional data such as mass spectrometry data and link them with clinical outcomes. 

Yuchen Han, Ph.D. Candidate 
Yuchen is from Dingxi, Gansu Province, and is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. She came to Louisville in 2018 to pursue a master’s degree in Biostatistics and since then has fallen in love with the UofL community. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching Premier League football (soccer), trying out ethnic food, and hiking. 

Vicky (Xuan) LI  
Vicky is a health officer of the International Federations of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for East Asia Delegation. She has MPH in Infectious and Epidemiology from Cornell University, and BA in psychology from the George Washington University. Her current job focuses on supporting the health and WASH work of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies of East Asia. Aside from technical and program support, she also works closely with health-related stakeholders in East Asia to promote Universal Health Coverage through humanitarian diplomacy. 


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