


EducationUSA Virtual Session: Discover the University of California System 

EducationUSA 线上讲座: 跟随招生官探索美国加州大学系统 


June 17, 2023 (Saturday), 9:00-10:30 am (Beijing Time)via Zoom 

2023年0617日(星期 六),

上午9:00-10:30 (北京时间)

Zoom 平台

Registration Link: 



Event Details: 

During this informative session, you will have the unique opportunity to connect directly with representatives from three renowned University of California System campuses: Irvine, Davis and Santa Cruz . Each representative will share valuable insights into their institution's distinctive academic programs, campus life, student support services, and admissions processes. 

Whether you are a high school student planning your higher education journey, a parent seeking comprehensive information about universities for your child, or an educator guiding students towards the right path, this event will equip you with the knowledge to make well-informed decisions.




Guest Speakers: 


Originally from Northeast China, Debra Zhang serves as a senior international admissions counselor at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). She is the country manager for China. Before UCI, Debra worked with international students at different institutions in Boston, Massachusetts. She enjoys helping students explore their passions and providing resources that fit their needs. She has a master’s degree in public relations from Boston University College of Communication. 

来自中国东北的 Debra Zhang 是加州大学欧文分校 (UCI) 的高级国际招生顾问。她是中国区经理。在 UCI 之前,Debra 在马萨诸塞州波士顿的不同机构与国际学生一起工作。她喜欢帮助学生探索他们的热情并提供适合他们需求的资源。她拥有波士顿大学传播学院的公共关系硕士学位。 

San Lee M.Ed. is the Associate Director of International Recruitment at UC Davis; she has been recruiting for her alma mater since 2011. With a strong passion for developing the next generation of global leaders, San enjoys advocating for higher education and advising students and parents with the admissions process and application evaluation. 

San Lee 教育硕士 是加州大学戴维斯分校国际招聘副主任,自 2011 年以来她一直在为母校招聘。San 对培养下一代全球领导者充满热情,她喜欢倡导高等教育并为学生和家长提供招生过程建议 和应用评估。 

Kenneth Tang is a Senior International Program Officer at the University of California Santa Cruz with extensive experience in US higher education admissions. He studied Global and Regional Studies at the University of Vermont and Dartmouth College. Kenneth's expertise includes managing admissions processes, cross-cultural communication, and supporting international students. He is dedicated to advancing international education opportunities and has positively impacted many students seeking higher education in the United States. 

Kenneth Tang 是加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的高级国际项目官员,在美国高等教育招生方面拥有丰富的经验。他曾在佛蒙特大学和达特茅斯学院学习全球和区域研究。Kenneth 的专长包括管理招生流程、跨文化交流和支持国际学生。他致力于推动国际教育机会,并对许多在美国寻求高等教育的学生产生了积极影响。 

This event will be conducted in English and Chinese.   


Zoom Link (Zoom 链接): 


Zoom Webinar ID: 86797464691 


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