


记者/Reporter:Cory Clark


By now, many residents and business owners of Chinatown will have noticed the street closures and work happening in the neighborhood. 

唐人街的10街, 从Race到牌楼下面的Arch这段商业街区,



Photographed by Metro Chinese

此次封路施工的范围较大,东起2nd Street西至13th Street,北面到Callowhill,南边到Market Street,基本上覆盖了费城唐人街的所有区域,特别是对10th Street和Race Street交叉路口的改造,会对唐人街的居民出行和周围商家造成较大影响。

The Streets Department is repaving from 13th Street down to Second Street from around Callowhill to Market Street. Depending on the Street, this could vary. The upcoming street closure may have a significant impact on business due to its location at the intersection of 10th Street and Race Street, which serves as the center of Chinatown.

费城街道专员Carlton Williams表示,市政部门将尽一切努力将对交通的干扰降至最低。他同时提醒居民们提前做好计划,出行时走替代路线,或者留出足够多的时间通过施工区域。

The Streets Department will make every effort to minimize disruption to traffic, but we urge residents to plan ahead and use alternative routes when traveling and allow extra time when traveling around the work areas, said Carlton Williams, Streets Commissioner.


Photographed by Metro Chinese



“Also, we urge residents to move their cars from areas where work is being done when the Temporary No Parking is posted so that your vehicles are towed.”

If your car is towed, please contact the 6th Police District (215-686-3060) to determine its location.


PECO高级通信专家布莱恩·艾伦斯(Brian Ahrens)表示:“在未来五年内,PECO将在电力和天然气系统上投资约78亿美元,主要用于设备安检、系统升级、设备保养维护、购买新设备,以及植被养护等。”

While the Streets Department is working to improve road conditions, PECO is enhancing its infrastructure in the area. 

“PECO is investing approximately 7.8 billion dollars over the next five years across our electric and natural gas systems to inspect the equipment, complete targeted system enhancements and corrective maintenance, invest in new equipment, and perform vegetation management,” said Brian Ahrens, a Senior Communications Specialist for PECO.


Photographed by Metro Chinese

“唐人街的餐厅和杂货店老板长期以来一直抱怨供电设备老旧而频繁引起的停电情况,”唐人街峨嵋山庄老板,费城华埠商会共同主席曹先生(Dan Tsao)说道。“停电会严重影响店内结账系统和信用卡机的使用,还会导致冷库中的食材变质。”

“Restaurant and grocery store owners in Chinatown have long complained about frequent electrical outages caused by outdated equipment servicing the neighborhood,” said Dan Tsao, owner of EMei, and co-president of the Philadelphia Chinatown Business Association. “These outages disrupt the use of store Point of Sale systems and credit machines, leading to spoilage in cold storage.”


According to the Streets Department, the work was expected to be done by the end of May but could last until mid-June. The resurfacing work will be broken into three phases: milling (removing old asphalt), adjusting utility hole covers, resetting utility boxes, and final paving.


The Milling work will be done between 7 pm and 5 am, lasting one to two weeks for all affected streets. Adjusting utility hole covers and resetting utility boxes will be scheduled during the day between 7 am and 4 pm and is expected to last approximately two to three weeks. The contractor will perform final paving during overnight hours between 7 pm and 5 am and the last two weeks.



As the Streets Department makes its improvements, PECO will replace and upgrade its equipment in coordination with the City.

“These investments will make our grid more robust, weather-resistant, and less vulnerable to storm damage,” said Ahrens. “PECO is also applying advanced technologies that will automatically restore service more quickly and isolate damage, helping reduce outages and enhance customer service.”


“While outages are less frequent than in previous years, the investment in our community by PECO and the City is desperately needed for our community to grow and prosper,” added Tsao.


Photographed by Metro Chinese


The work is part of a six-year Capital Investment Plan by City Hall to improve infrastructure throughout the City, with a strong focus on underinvested communities. The money for these infrastructure improvements comes from private, City, state, and federal investments, pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into our communities through at least 2029.



The Federal investments for these infrastructure projects come from a series of infrastructure packages passed by the Biden Administration while Democrats held power in both houses of Congress.

That portion of the funding is under threat if House Republicans don’t agree to a clean Federal Debt Limit increase or can make deep cuts to the federal budget later this year.


Between fiscal years 2018 and 2023, the City has invested an average of 17.8 million in tax-supported and general obligation funds to improve commercial corridors, industrial areas, and parks to increase economic activity. Overall, the City plans to invest more than 487 million to enhance public and private development and infrastructure projects like those happening in Chinatown and other underinvested neighborhoods.



熊出没! 宾州两孩童遭熊袭击; 特拉华水管破裂, 饮用自来水要煮沸; 快报警! 涉多起枪击案劫车劫财嫌犯曝光

控枪进展! 两项法案被通过; 海边玩注意, 南泽西女孩遇鲨鱼袭击; 海豚搁浅频发与风力发电有关?

枪声不断! 费城再现血腥周末; 盗车案件频发, 警方呼吁车主锁好车门; 安全第一! 3岁女童跌入泳池溺亡




25%!唐人街低收入华人又有新福利领了!纽约好猖狂!唐人街珠宝店难逃劫数 2贼持携作案得逞逃跑《全民目击》/ Silent Witness丨(郭富城 / 孙红雷/ 余男 )“外卖郎像箭一样飞蹿”!唐人街居民抱怨“太危险” 晚上开车更慌纽约司机注意!宽限期已过,经过公路施工区域请减速,否则,罚!最新!克里米亚大桥部分道路恢复通行;俄罗斯宣布中止,泽连斯基:我们不怕!美半导体协会呼吁不要加码丨早报周末飞过大裤衩【广发证券】策略对话通信:AI算力基础设施共振住在唐人街是什么体验?他们为何为唐人街而战?【提示】6月10日,崇明区陈家镇部分道路实行交通管制悉尼将连下4天雨!部分城铁线路停运,多地出现积水致道路封闭一片狼藉!唐人街多家餐馆被爆窃!疑似有组织有预谋有人踩点!悉尼CBD大火后续!警方搜索并未发现遇难者遗体!灾后重建仍在继续,部分道路仍处于封锁中…“餐馆上班没客又危险”!唐人街治安太差 生意受挫 客流减少第六起!唐人街发现伤者,宣告当场死亡!认准他们!唐人街服装店遭“零元购” 16岁抢嫌被捕 5人在逃小心这种车!唐人街中餐外卖车竟然不卖“饭”华人被戏子市长抛弃!唐人街任人宰割!太惨了!王剑无知的假药/TiKTok听证走偏的危险唐人街电力改造道路中断; Memorial Day到来, 周末出行拥堵请注意; 奈飞共享账户每月额外收费$8惨烈车祸!1死2重伤!新州道路两车迎面暴烈相撞!整条道路封锁!首届唐人街团结大会隆重召开,18个唐人街社区50名代表齐聚温哥华唐人街雕像被斩首泼红漆 华人震怒!温哥华唐人街墙上被泼假血,腥红一片触目惊心!多座寺庙雕像也被砸坏涂鸦华人注意!唐人街案件高发!任何时候都不要这么做!高温持续,休斯顿部分道路隆起开裂仍在逃!唐人街洗衣店发生割喉案 37岁男子受伤长篇小说连载《此世,此生》第四十九章四司机注意!多伦多本周末数条道路将封路!这几条路还有活动,会堵!可怕!唐人街热门公园伤人事件 一男遭殴脸砍伤紅色賭盤在台湾出版炸街!多伦多骄傲游行开启,全城沸腾!秒变多彩海洋!周末部分道路封闭波士顿唐人街高层公寓 | 免中介费 | 距离唐人街20米 | 距离美食需要一个红绿灯的时间【提示】今晚23时起,诸光路施工交通组织调整!明天!唐人街附近封街抢钱?保护道路安全?长岛高速公路施工区装测速摄像头引争议