




为了更好地促进学术交流,尤其是交叉学科和前沿工作的同行交流,机器之心与中科院自动化所联合举办「人工智能 x 基础科学系列论坛」,尝试在更轻松和开放的交流氛围下,邀请研究者分享近期工作,讨论领域热点问题。 



张忠凯,博士,中国科学院创新研究院人工智能与机器人创新中心副教授,于2023年2月全职归国加入中科院香港创新研究院并组建医学仿真团队。该团队致力于开发新一代实时仿真算法, 并将其应用于机器人控制与手术模拟训练。2018年毕业于法国国家信息与自动化研究院。博士期间解决了软体机器人建模,控制与力反馈的多个关键性难题。作为核心研发人员开发的基于SOFA 的软体机器人仿真软体已成为行业标准。之后在法国斯特拉斯堡大学以及法国国家科研中心从事医疗机器人与人工智能的博士后研究。在此期间,研发了世界首台具有OCT 扫描功能的内窥镜机器人的自动控制算法,并提出了解决人工智能约束问题的新方法。自2021年起担任法国农业科学院数学与计算机研究中心终身研究员,领导团队从事移动机器人与人工智能的研究工作。



嘉宾简介:王广志,博士,清华大学医学院长聘教授、生物医学工程系执行系主任 。长期从事医学影像处理、影像引导手术的教学与研究。发表学术研究论文150多篇,获发明专利授权20多项。现任中国生物医学工程学会副理事长,中国医学影像技术研究会副会长。





嘉宾简介:谢晓亮,中国科学院自动化研究所研究员,主要研究方向为手术机器人开发与临床应用、机器人智能控制。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年基金1项、参加重点基金项目2项;主持国家重点研发计划智能机器人专项课题1项;获授权国家发明专利20余项、PCT专利3项;在IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IROS等国际期刊和会议上发表论文30余篇。获机器人领域顶级会议IEEE ICRA最佳论文提名奖1次,IEEE RCAR最佳论文奖1次,获得北京协和医院科研成果奖一等奖。



  1. 开发了具有多器械协同递送功能的血管介入手术机器人系统,并对其进行精准控制。根据同时协同递送不少于2种器械的临床需求,通过梳理分析各类手术器械的输送时序与特点,结合医生操作需求与仿生学原理,设计了新一代血管介入手术机器人,并成功完成了多中心多例临床试验。

  2. 血管介入手术机器人多模影像导航。将术前的血管三维影像信息与术中影像叠加融合显示在一起,为医生提供了多视角的导航画面。结合高级医生力觉操控技能学习方法,研究了血管介入手术机器人拟人化操控策略,提升了机器人智能化层级,在扩展手术机器人的适应症的同时,有效降低介入手术难度。



[1] 中国科学院自动化研究所,2035创新任务——多模态数据导航的血管介入手术机器人,2020/05至2023/04,负责人。
[2] 科技部,国家重点研发计划,2019YFB1311700,面向复杂病变的多器械协同递送血管介入手术机器人关键技术及应用研究,2019/12至2022/11,课题1负责人。
[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,面向复杂病变的血管介入手术机器人自主操控关键技术研究,2021/01至2024/12,负责人。
[1] Xiaohu Zhou, Xiaoliang Xie, Zhenqiu Feng, Zengguang Hou, Guibin Bian, Ruiqi Li, Zhenliang Ni, Shiqi Liu, and Yanjie Zhou, “A multilayer and multimodal-fusion architecture for simultaneous recognition of endovascular manipulations and assessment of technical skills,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 2565-2577, April, 2022.  
[2] Xiaohu Zhou, Xiaoliang Xie, Shiqi Liu, Zhenliang Ni, Yanjie Zhou, Ruiqi Li, Meijiang Gui, Chenchen Fan, Zhenqiu Feng, Guibin Bian, and Zengguang Hou, “Learning skill characteristics from manipulations,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3160159, March, 2022.
[3] Xiaohu Zhou, Xiaoliang Xie, Shiqi Liu, Zhenqiu Feng, Meijiang Gui, Jinli Wang, Hao Li, Tianyu Xiang, Guibin Bian, and Zengguang Hou, “Surgical skill assessment based on dynamic warping manipulations,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 50-61, February, 2022.
[4] Ruiqi Li, Xiaoliang Xie, Xiaohu Zhou, Shiqi Liu, Zhenliang Ni, Yanjie Zhou, Guibin Bian, and Zengguang Hou, “Real-time multi-guidewire endpoint localization in fluoroscopy images,”IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 2002-2014, August, 2021.

[5] Yanjie Zhou, Xiaoliang Xie, Xiaohu Zhou, Shiqi Liu, Guibin Bian, and Zengguang Hou, “A real-time multi-functional framework for guidewire morphological and positional analysis in interventional X-ray fluoroscopy,”IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 657-667, September, 2021.

分享主题:Computational Analysis of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Drug Resistance

嘉宾简介:Hong Yan received his PhD degree from Yale University. He was Professor of Imaging Science at the University of Sydney and currently is Wong Chun Hong Professor of Data Engineering and Chair Professor of Computer Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. Professor Yan's research interests include image processing, pattern recognition, and bioinformatics. He has over 600 journal and conference publications in these areas. Professor Yan is an IEEE Fellow and IAPR Fellow. He received the 2016 Norbert Wiener Award from the IEEE SMC Society for contributions to image and biomolecular pattern recognition techniques. He is a foreign member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and a Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors.

分享背景:Lung cancer has the highest incidence and mortality rates among all cancer types in the world. The mutation of a protein called the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a major cause of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Anti-EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) can work effectively initially, which reduce tumor size and increase the patient survival time. However, almost all patients develop drug resistance after about a year of treatment due to one or more additional mutations of EGFR. 

In collaboration with medical doctors, our research group has studied EGFR mutations at the molecular and atomic levels. We have collected EGFR mutations from the literature and from clinical cases at Queen Mary Hospital. Some of the mutations observed locally are rare and have never been reported in scientific journals before. Based on computational models, we analyzed how the 3D structure of EGFR will change due to a mutation. Then for each drug, we computed its binding strength with EGFR before and after the secondary mutation. The reduction in the binding strength reflects the degradation of the drug effectiveness. We have built and published a 3D structural database of EGFR mutants. We have analyzed the characteristics of all known EGFR mutations. 

Biomolecular surface complementarity is important in protein-drug interactions. We can find EGFR surface atoms using the alpha-shape model. The solid angles at these atoms represent the surface curvature, which is used as a geometric property in our analysis. Concave shapes around the binding sites are more likely to offer opportunities for drug binding than convex shapes. If the drug binds to EGFR mutants very tightly, then it will strengthen the response. We have studied the EGFR mutation-induced drug resistance by analyzing the solid angles around the binding sites. We have introduced the concept of eigen-binding surface to investigate common properties of biomolecular surfaces that are significant in protein-drug complexes. 

EGFR is a member of the ErbB family. A pair of this family members can form a dimer to perform various biological functions. We have investigated the EGFR (ErbB-1) and ErbB-3 heterodimerization, regarded as the origin of intracellular signaling pathways. We combined the molecular interaction in EGFR heterodimerization with that between the EGFR tyrosine kinase and its inhibitor. For 168 clinical subjects, we characterized their corresponding EGFR mutations using molecular interactions, with three potential dimerization partners (ErbB-2, IGF-1R and c-Met) of EGFR and two of its small molecule inhibitors (gefitinib and erlotinib). Based on molecular dynamics simulations and structural analysis, we modeled these mutant-partner or mutant-inhibitor interactions using the binding free energy and its components. 

Our work leads to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of cancer drug resistance. The knowledge gained can help the design of new and more effective drugs. The databases and computer algorithms developed provide a useful reference to medical doctors for assessment of drug resistance level for different EGFR mutants and for planning personalized treatment of lung cancer patients. 

分享摘要:The mutation of a protein called the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a major cause of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Almost all patients develop drug resistance after about a year of treatment due to one or more additional mutations of EGFR. In collaboration with medical doctors, we have built and published a 3D structural database of all known EGFR mutants. We have developed an alpha-shape based model to characterize the contact surfaces of EGFR-drug complexes and introduced the concept of eigen-binding surface to investigate common properties of biomolecular surfaces that are significant in protein-drug complexes. Our work leads to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of cancer drug resistance. The knowledge gained can help the design of new and more effective drugs. The databases and computer algorithms developed provide a useful reference to medical doctors for assessment of drug resistance level for different EGFR mutants and for planning personalized treatment of lung cancer patients. 






「人工智能×基础科学系列论坛」已举办五期,主题分别为「受物理启发的深度学习」、「深度学习中的数学优化问题」、「后 AlphaFold 时代,中国蛋白质计算新进展」、「当人工智能遇到材料与化学」、「AI 如何与神经科学共生共赢」。



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