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Heatwave Sweeps Across China, Claiming Lives and Rewriting Records


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In the past 10 days, multiple cities issued over 200 heat alerts amid scorching conditions, and this season also recorded the highest number of days exceeding 35 degrees Celsius since 1961.


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From a remote village in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region rewriting China’s weather records to multiple cities issuing heat alerts in the past 10 days alone, a widespread and deadly heat wave across China has had devastating consequences, including the loss of at least four lives. 


According to China News Service, Sanbao Village in Xinjiang reached a scorching 52.2 degrees Celsius on Sunday, with authorities predicting temperatures will stay above 35 degrees Celsius until Friday.

据中国新闻社报道,新疆三宝村周日的气温达到了炙热的 52.2 摄氏度,当局预测直到周五气温都将保持在 35 摄氏度以上。

The heat wave has particularly affected northwestern and southeastern parts of the country, with multiple cities grappling with temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius over the past 10 days. As a result, over 200 heat alerts were issued by weather stations across different cities on Tuesday alone. Shattering more records, this season has also witnessed the highest number of days with temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius since records began in 1961, as reported by China Daily. 

热浪对中国西北部和东南部地区的影响尤为严重,在过去 10 天里,多个城市的气温超过了 35 摄氏度。因此,仅周二一天,不同城市的气象站就发布了 200 多条高温警报。据《中国日报》报道,本季气温超过 35 摄氏度的天数也创下了自 1961 年有记录以来的最高纪录。

The scorching heat wave poses life-threatening risks, particularly in the form of heatstroke, which is capable of causing permanent disability or even death if emergency treatment is not promptly administered. 


Since the onset of summer this year, several cities, including Shanghai, Sanya in the southern Hainan province, and Beijing, have witnessed a surge in heatstroke patients. 


In Beijing, a 49-year-old tour guide died of heatstroke on July 2 while working at the Summer Palace, a well-known tourist spot. The temperature that day at noon was around 35 to 36 degrees Celsius, according to the Beijing weather station. His death was reported just days after a 57-year-old woman succumbed to heatstroke after nearly seven hours of rescue efforts on June 17. 

在北京,一名 49 岁的导游于 7 月 2 日在著名旅游景点颐和园工作时中暑死亡。根据北京气象站的数据,当天中午的气温约为 35 至 36 摄氏度。6 月 17 日,一名 57 岁的妇女在经过近 7 个小时的抢救后中暑死亡。

Similarly, in Shijiazhuang in the northern Hebei province, a 60-year-old person was rushed to hospital with a body temperature of 41 degrees Celsius, and died days after being admitted. It was the second death due to heatstroke in Hebei in June. 

同样,在河北省北部的石家庄,一名 60 岁的老人被紧急送往医院,体温高达 41 摄氏度,入院几天后死亡。这是 6 月份河北发生的第二起中暑死亡事件。

In the eastern Jiangsu province, a construction worker in Changzhou City fell unconscious after working in scorching conditions for almost three hours on May 28, according to local newspaper the Changzhou Daily. He was diagnosed with heatstroke and multiple organ failures and was still in a coma on June 2.

在江苏省东部,据当地报纸《常州日报》报道,5 月 28 日,常州市一名建筑工人在烈日下工作近 3 个小时后昏迷不醒。他被诊断为中暑和多器官衰竭,6 月 2 日仍处于昏迷状态。

“I experienced extreme heat on my first day working as a food delivery rider. The summers are getting hotter than before,” Dong Wei, a food delivery driver in Wuxi, Jiangsu, told Caixin News. “I feel powerless all over my body, and I don’t want to walk anymore. I just want to lie or sit somewhere.”

In response, cities nationwide have established designated areas, often within subway stations, where people can seek shelter from the heat. 


Hefei, in the eastern Anhui province, has set up a public “cooling area” at 70 subway stations, some of which offer drinking water, books, and traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate light heatstroke. 

安徽省东部的合肥市在 70 个地铁站设立了公共 "降温区",其中一些提供饮用水、书籍和中药,以缓解轻度中暑。

The mountainous city of Chongqing has established similar spots at 127 subway stations, while Changsha, in the central Hunan province, has opened 94 “cooling areas” for residents and outdoor workers. 

山区城市重庆在 127 个地铁站设立了类似的点,而中部湖南省长沙市则为居民和户外工作者开放了 94 个 "降温区"。

The National Weather Bureau told state broadcaster CCTV Tuesday that high temperatures will persist in northern China, while a gradual cooling trend is expected in southern China.



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