最近有一条比较有意思的新闻。 杭州动物园里的一只马来熊火了,有游客指出它直立起来的样子特别像人,怀疑就是人扮演的,下面火出圈的视频:尤其是这张,屁股扁塌塌的,皮毛还有褶皱,活脱里面站着一个人。一位颇懂剪裁的网友还煞有介事地“支招”:wrinkly seat happens when the back rise is too long. requires a tailor to shorten the back rise by pinning the pants up to the waistband, removing excess material, and then dropping the crotch seam, so as to not give the wearer a wedgie1) wrinkly seat: 裤子臀部上的褶皱2) back rise: 裤裆3) waistband:束腰带4) crotch seam: 裆部缝合处5) wedgie: /ˈwedʒi/ n. 抓着内裤提起某人(作为玩笑)译:裤子臀部的皱褶是因为裤裆部分过长导致的。这需要裁缝通过固定裤子到腰带处,去除多余的面料,然后降低胯部的接缝,以免让穿着者感到不适。视频瞬间火遍全网,甚至还火到国外,各大媒体纷纷报道:几个语言点讲解一下: 1)媒体提到的 sun bears是“马来熊”,一种生活在东南亚热带雨林中的小型熊,以其短而密集的黑色毛皮和明显的黄色胸部斑为特征。2)humans dressed in costumes(穿着道具服装的人类) 3)humans in disguise(伪装的人类)连世界首富马斯克也忍不住评论了一番,称“Bears aren’t real(此熊不是真的)”:面对舆论的质疑,杭州动物园回应称肯定不是人扮的,这么热的天穿个皮套谁受得了:杭州动物园工作人员也回应称,肯定不是人扮的,夏天高温人套个皮毛也坚持不了。这话我信了,经历过杭州盛夏的小伙伴都知道,不要说穿个皮套了,光着膀子在户外待上10分钟就得中暑。那么为啥这只熊站起来这么像人,CNN 这篇报道引用另一位专家的解释:1.“ Most bear species can stand on their hind legs but sun bears stand up high to reach higher ground to investigate their surroundings so there is a purpose to why they do that. ” 1)hind legs:后腿2)purpose: n.目的译:大多数熊种类都可以站立,但是马来熊会站得很高,以到达更高的地方去探察周围环境,所以他们这么做是有原因的。2.“Female sun bears even hold their cubs with both hands and walk on their feet, very human like, so I guess that’s why people get mistaken.” 1)cub: n.幼兽2)get mistaken:弄错译:雌性马来熊甚至会用双手抱着它们的幼崽,用脚走路,这非常像人类,所以我猜这就是为什么人们会误认为它们是人。3.“…the bear’s loose, saggy skin also serves an important function in the wild, by acting as armor from predators, protecting them from deeper bites and injuries.”1) loose, saggy skin: 松弛、下垂的皮肤2) armor: n.盔甲译:熊的松弛、下垂的皮肤在野外也有一个重要的功能,作为防御掠食者的盔甲,保护它们免受更深的咬伤和伤害。4.“Sun bears are usually fat and round. When conditions are bad and food is scarce, their skin becomes loose,”1)scarce: adj.稀缺的 译:马来熊通常又肥又圆。当条件恶劣且食物稀缺时,它们的皮肤就会变得松弛。5.“Forests are vanishing and mothers are often killed by hunters who steal their cubs – this is a huge problem across Southeast Asia. Sun bears are also subject to the cruel bear bile trade,” 1)vanish: vi.消失2)be subject to: 受制于3) bear bile: 熊胆译:“森林正在消失,而且猎人经常杀死马来熊母亲来偷走它们的幼崽 - 这在东南亚是一个巨大的问题。马来熊也是残忍的熊胆交易的受害者。”6.“There needs to be more awareness and education about sun bears – they are a protected and special species and are in serious trouble. 1)awareness:n.意识2)be in serious trouble: 处于严重的困境译“我们需要提高对马来熊的意识和推广—— 它们是受保护的特殊物种,现在正处于严重的困境。” 希望大家在吃瓜看新闻的同时,也顺便了解一下这种动物的困境,是人类的贪婪剥夺了它们生存的空间。 我们要提高意识和落实保护了,不然再过几年,动物园的马来熊就真的得由人来扮演了。